Belichick Spygate Scandal: Unanswered Questions

By Mo Johnson

Patriots Spygate Logo

UPDATE:  January 2015:  Wow -- a new scandal has erupted.  This one could be even more serious than Spygate was.  It appears the NFL has found the Patriots used deflated footballs when on offense in their victory over the Colts in the AFC Championship Game.  That would have given the Patriots a passing advantage, particularly in the wet conditions.  The new scandal is being called "DeflateGate." 

And, it's not like both teams played with the same balls.  The way it works is each team brings 12 footballs to the game and uses their footballs while on offense.  11 of the 12 footballs the Patriots brought were found to be about 15% under-inflated.  

An anonymous NFL official told the Washington Post:  "very serious stuff."   The NFL has not announced any penalties yet but expect more draft picks to be taken.  Still, is that fair?  

The only fair thing would be to replay the game.  Or, perhaps, make the Patriots forfeit the game and send the Colts to the Super Bowl.  Otherwise, this will be another case of cheating paying off.

I see no other way to reasonably interpret this other than to conclude that the Patriots, as an organization, have repeatedly cheated their way to victories.  We don't know yet who knew and did what and when -- but come on -- this is ridiculous.    

At a minimum, these scandals have tarnished the legacy of Tom Brady, Bill Belichick and the Patriots organization.  

Will the Patriots allow us to interview whoever under-inflated those footballs?  Don't hold your breath!  


Spygate has evolved into such a huge story, with so many layers, that we can't cover it all on this page. So, our latest updates on the scandal (particularly after all the recent revelations by Matt Walsh) are at Patriots Belichick Spygate News.

The following is our coverage of the issue through Mid-May 08. If the Belichick Spygate Scandal is new to you, you'll want to start here and then check out the Spygate News page linked to above.

The Belichick Spygate Scandal story is not going away. Not even close. In fact, it just keeps evolving -- right here -- on this site.

We have received TONS of comments -- I'm sure way over 100 all together (we have combined many of them together). You can read them at the bottom of the page, and add your own if you'd like.

Three that recently came in, that are particularly interesting and informative, are Disgruntled Pats Players Spill the Goods, Where is Matt Estrella? and What Other Teams?

Particularly if you live in Pennsylvania, please read Radio Communication is the Real Spygate Issue. Your assistance is requested as you'll see.

And, another NEW terrific contribution from "Johnny in Boston" about the radio communications Spygate angle is at Spygate: More Radio Communication is the Real Spygate Issue.

I thought it might be useful for me to summarize the major points of the discussion so far. Based on the evidence we have, here's what most people seem to agree:

  1. Bill Belichick knowingly cheated
  2. The NFL refused to seriously investigate the allegations
  3. The NFL destroyed the evidence
  4. The NFL rules and guidance regarding one team taping its opponents signals during a game are scandalously unclear (more about this shortly)

However, we don't know:

  1. The extent of the Patriot Cheating
  2. How much of an advantage it gave them
  3. The impact, if any, on prior games

Only after we find those things out, can we agree on the appropriate sanction. Assuming guilt (which is the most reasonable assumption based on the evidence available at this time), the most popular recommended punishments from the comments on this site are:

  1. Ban Belichick from the NFL (as Pete Rose was banned from MLB)
  2. The Patriots should forfeit all games they cheated in (including prior Super Bowls) -- again this would depend on the information obtained from a full investigation.

By the way, as I've always said, if anyone, can make a case for Bill Belichick or show us where anything we say in this article is incorrect, please submit your comment below. If it's informative, I'll be happy to link to it from here.

In fact, here's a pro-Belichick comment I thought was pretty good for presenting his side:

Taping is Legal Kiddies.

You'll see that the key to defending Belichick is to attack the NFL rules as being weak and unclear -- and, indeed, that's a good point. This moves the debate in the direction of whether the NFL needs to tighten up its spying rules because of the increasingly sophisticated technology available today [issue discussed more below].

Patriot fans won't believe it, but honestly, we really do want the truth and want to be as fair as we can be.

The NFL rules on taping are unclear because they don't simply say -- "you can't tape your opponents signals." That would be too simple.

Instead the rules say team staff members can't tape from various locations (detailed below) as well as any "accessible" locations. Whatever that means. I mean, if staff from a team can't tape signals from accessible locations, then, by definition, they simply can't tape signals.

Because if they were able to tape from an inaccessible location, wouldn't be inaccessible any more. Right?

A blanket prohibition is the only policy that makes sense. Otherwise, if taping were allowed (albeit from "inaccessible locations") games would ultimately be decided based more on spying and deciphering ability, instead of play on the field. And, that would damage the integrity of the game.

This important issue is discussed in detail at another reader comment:
Naive! Cowboys and Broncos Stole Signals Too

But, why doesn't the NFL just say clearly -- you can't tape your opponents hand signals during games? Why not? Why the weasel words about accessible vs inaccessible areas? Strange.

In any event, while another indictment of the NFL, none of that lets Belichick off the hook. He was wrong to order the taping and he knew it was wrong. That's obvious from the fact that he's refused to discuss any of it since being caught.

Also, of course, he had Patriot's staff tape Jet's signals from the sideline. So, that is clearly prohibited -- even by the squishy NFL rules.

The Belichick Spygate Scandal already has challenged the game's integrity since we really still don't know what the Patriots did or when they started doing it.

The Pats illicit taping program appears to have been a longstanding Patriot practice, based on clues given in an ESPN story about former Patriot's videographer Matt Walsh. If you read the Matt Walsh Story, you'll agree that Mr. Walsh obviously has lots more to tell. [Hope Sen. Specter subpoenas him.]

Part of the problem is the stone wall of silence that Bill Belichick has erected. We just have no idea what he's done or if it's legal or not.

The statements from the NFL have done little to clarify matters.

Once again, I invite, no implore Bill Belichick or Roger Goodall to clarify their positions by using the form at the bottom of this page.

Why here? Hey, if you check out the Google search engine, you'll find that this page is the top fan page on the web for the Spygate scandal.

So, why shouldn't they respond here, directly to the fans.

It would be easy, fast, free and heck -- I'd put it on the front page. Silence, stonewalling, arrogance only breeds contempt and an understandable tendency for the American public to assume the worst. There's only one way to fix that.

So, Roger, Bill -- we're still waiting....

February 3, 2008 -- (Super Bowl Sunday)

Thanks to former Ole Miss (SEC) QB Eli Manning and the New York Giants for dispensing a measure of justice tonight with their dramatic 17-14 victory over the New England Patriots. The Spygate story is not over. But, at least, the "greatest team ever" nonsense is behind us.

I also want to say "thanks" to everyone who has spoken out on the Belichick Spygate Scandal. It has been amazing. This page has become perhaps the top spot on the world wide web for people to gather and discuss the Belichick/Patriots Spygate controversy. If you read some of the many comments submitted at the bottom of this page you'll see why. Every facet of the issue is thoroughly discussed as it is nowhere else.

Two comments I want to highlight are:

Prior Discussion

The Spygate saga continues. I read an article in the paper this morning claiming that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodall had destroyed the videotapes in question. What the ....!!? Is anyone besides me outraged by that? Does anyone care? Maybe not. Maybe cheating is now perfectly acceptable -- as long as everyone involved is making money.

February 2, 2008 -- Thank goodness for Senator Arlen Specter, Senior U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania. Apparently he cares and has the courage to speak out. In a letter he wrote to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell dated January 31, 2008, Specter stated:

I am concerned about the underlying facts on the taping, the reasons for the judgment on the limited penalties and, most of all, on the inexplicable destruction of the tapes.

Senator Specter is the senior Republican senator on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Hopefully, he will call for hearings on why the NFL destroyed the evidence. At the very least, it will be interesting to see how Goodell responds to the letter.


Now back to previously scheduled programming.

First the facts that we do know.

An employee of the New England Patriots was caught on the Patriots sideline videotaping defensive signals, by opposing New York Jets coaches, in their first game of the NFL season. A review of the tape by the NFL confirmed this.

Of course, taping opposing teams signals would have allowed the Patriots, after reviewing the tape, to know exactly what the signal was for a particular defensive call. Later, when they see that signal again -- they know the play the other team will run. Simple. And, very useful information to have. Unfortunately for the Patriots -- it is illegal!

There also were some "radio frequency issues" that occurred during the game; however, those issues appear to have not been pursued by the NFL. More about the radio frequency issues later.

After reviewing the matter, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodall stated:

This episode represents a calculated and deliberate attempt to avoid longstanding rules designed to encourage fair play and promote honest competition on the playing field.

Goodall imposed the following punishments:

  • Fined Bill Belichick $500,000
  • Fined the Patriots $250,000
  • Took away the Pat's first round draft pick in the 2008 NFL draft (or their 2nd and 3rd round picks if they don't make the playoffs).
Bill Belichick

Thanks to silas216 at for this picture of Bill Belichick.

Bill Belichick's response to all this has been essentially as follows:

  • I accept full responsibility (no indication what that means)
  • My interpretation of a rule in the [NFL's] Constitution and Bylaws was incorrect
  • I will not be offering any further comment on this matter

With that, Bill Belichick would like us all to go on about our business and not further trouble him with this matter.

Clearly, the NFL is of the same mind. Have you seen Roger Goodall discussing the scandal? Didn't think so.

Unfortunately for the NFL and Mr. Belichick there are serious outstanding issues that demand further inquiry.

First, it should be understood that there is no possible "issue" (or defense) of "an incorrect interpretation" as Belichick infers in his statement.

Page 105 of the NFL's "Game Operations Manual" states:

No video recording devices of any kind are permitted to be in use in the coaches' booth, on the field, or in the locker room during the game.

That's a pretty clear-cut rule.

bookmark page

But, if he were talking (which he is not) maybe Belichick would say he didn't intentionally violate NFL rules because he never really read the NFL rule book in detail.

That's hard to imagine since he's been coaching in the NFL for over 3 decades, and reputedly is a genius. But, I guess it could be a possible, even if unlikely, defense.

The trouble (for Bill) is that we have a "smoking gun."

On September 6, 2006, NFL Executive Vice President of Football Operations, Ray Anderson, sent a letter to NFL head coaches (including Bill Belichick) stating:

Video taping of any type, including but not limited to taping of an opponent's offensive or defensive signals, is prohibited on the sidelines, in the coaches' booth, in the locker room, or at any other locations accessible to club staff members during the game.

So, there is no doubt that Bill Belichick not only violated the rules, but that he also did it knowingly and willfully.

Not only that, but from the facts we the public have available to us, it appears clear that this is not the first time, in Belichicks tenure, the Patriots have cheated during a football game.

In fact, every day, new stories of prior Patriot misdeeds seem to come to light. Some of those include:

  • Former Patriots' offensive coach, Charlie Weis, overheard congratulating Tampa Bay's defensive coordinator, Monte Kiffin, allegedly stating: "We knew all your calls, and you still stopped us. I can't believe it."
  • A separate Patriot taping incident during a game with the Detroit Lions.
  • Pittsburg Steeler's players saying when they played the Patriots, somehow, the Pats knew all the Steeler plays before they were run.
  • Patriots jamming signals to the headphones of opposing coaches.

Perhaps the strongest evidence this cheating has gone on for years is that Belichick apparently only got caught this time because someone, who knows how he does business, ratted him out.

That person was Jets Head Coach, Eric Mangini.

Mangini was an assistant coach for the Patriots until January 2006 when he was hired by the Jets. Rumor has it that the Jets-Patriots games last year were full of intrigue as the Jets coaches, knowing they were being taped by the Patriots, mixed up fake signals with real ones.

But, preparing for NFL game days is tough enough without having to learn 2 or 3 times as many signals as usual and memorizing which are fake and with are real.

Apparently, Mangini got sick of the nonsense and alerted NFL security about what to expect from a certain Patriot cameraman. The rest is history.

Maybe now we have a better understanding for why Belichick was strangely upset at Mangini for taking the Jets head coaching job. Traditionally, coaches are happy for a subordinate who gets a shot at the head job somewhere. Not Belichick. Hmmm.

Oh, by the way, Mangini was asked if this cheating went on when he was an assistant coach at New England. Mangini said he had no comment. Hmmm.

As "Spygate" continues to unfold, it appears increasingly likely that cheating has been the way the Bill Belichick and the Patriots have done business for years.

Patriots Cheaters Graphic

Thanks to berbercarpet at for this graphic.

Hey Bill, if it isn't so - say so. Tell us exactly when your cheating began. Oh yea, that's right, you said you will have no comment on this matter.

Sorry Mr. Belichick, but your silence speaks volumes. In fact, it is deafening.

As bad as Belichick's cheating is, that is not even the big story here. The more significant problem has been the NFL's response. The NFL's response has been so tepid and weak that it makes you wonder why they are afraid to dig more deeply. It calls into question the integrity of the game.

If there was an allegation that a college football coach was intentionally cheating; stealing signals from the other team; you can be sure there would be a full investigation.

The first question that would be asked; the first question anyone would ask is:


Roger Goodell, and the NFL don't seem interested in asking that, most obvious, of questions. Why?

Because, they know the answer already. And they don't like it.

The answer is - "heck yea, we cheated before!"

Based on the evidence in the public record today, it seems quite likely that Belichick and the Patriots have been cheating for years.

It is more troubling because the cheating apparently paid off. Bill Belichick is the only coach in NFL history to win 3 Super Bowls in 4 years. He is (maybe was) headed for the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Each one of the Patriot Super Bowl victories were in extremely close games (3 point margin in each).

Could knowing the other teams signals (or interrupting their electronic communications) have made a difference in the outcome. You betcha.

Every one of the Patriots' Super Bowls Championships is tarnished. That goes for their AFC Championships too.

And what about Tom Brady? No one has talked about him yet in connection with this scandal. He has an image of being such a clutch quarterback. Always making the right throw to the open receiver at the key moment? Did that happen because he was apparently the beneficiary of stolen information? It's a lot easier to beat a safety blitz when you know it's coming before the ball is snapped.

OK, assuming the NFL did an investigation (which they are unlikely to do) and confirmed that the Patriots cheating has been going on for years; what should be the appropriate punishment?

Actually, that's easy.

If they cheated, their wins should be forfeited. Any first grader knows that.

Heck, the NCAA regularly erases wins from prior seasons, if it is proven, for instance, that a booster (with the knowledge of the football program) improperly allowed a football player to drive a car for free.

In this case, we have an NFL head coach, knowingly, intentionally cheating during a regular season football game. Caught red-handed. Videotaped evidence for Pete's sake!

The NFL's response?

First, they do not inquire into prior misconduct.

Second, to put the current issue to bed, they quickly dish out punishment that seems tough, but actually is essentially nothing.

A $500,000 fine seems rough to you and I. To Bill Belichick, it really means nothing.

Belichick has a base salary of $5 million a year. Who knows how much more he makes on speaking engagements, endorsements, etc.

When you make that kind of money (and have for a number of years), it's hard to understand why another $500,000 would matter much to you.

As for the draft pick, the Patriots already have 2 first round picks (got one from a trade with San Francisco). And Goodall didn't even take the pick likely to be higher in the first round (the one the Pat's got from San Francisco).

The goal of the NFL, and Roger Goodall, is the same goal as Bill Belichick's - to make this whole ugly thing go away quickly.

As an aside, one unintended consequence of Spygate is that the NFL is doing wonders for the reputation of the NCAA's rule enforcement division. In comparison to the NFL, the NCAA will now be viewed as the "tough cops" in the world of athletic rules enforcement.

Well, let's hope someone out there is listening. It will be horribly unjust if Bill Belichick is allowed to walk away from this without ever having to come clean.

Mr. Belichick, if you ever read this, I hope you will consider coming clean and telling all. If the truth is that you did cheat to win those Super Bowls, we can forgive you for that.

Mind you, the games will still need to be forfeited. But, we are a forgiving Nation and we can forgive you - if you tell the truth.

If the truth is that this was the first time you cheated, tell us that. Answer our questions and we will judge based on the evidence.

If you continue to stonewall on this issue, it is only reasonable that we assume the worst.

The obvious, until now, unasked and unanswered, question for you is simply: Have you done this before?

If your answer to this question is along the lines of: "What do you mean?" Or, "Define the word 'this' " - then you will need to answer the following additional questions:

  1. Who videotaped the Jets signals in your first game this season?
  2. Who told him to do that?
  3. Did you know the Jets signals were to be videotaped by Patriots personnel?
  4. How did you know that?
  5. Has anyone from the Patriots organization ever before taped the signals of opposing teams during games?
  6. When?
  7. Have you (or to you knowledge other Patriot personnel) ever viewed game videotape of opposing team signals?
  8. When?
  9. Why?
  10. How was the tape obtained?
  11. For what purpose was the tape obtained?
  12. For what purpose did you use the information gained?
  13. Specifically, in preparation for playoff games, including the Patriots three Super Bowl appearances, did you (or to your knowledge other Patriot personnel) view game videotape of opposing team signals?

Mr. Belichick: Those are the questions. Please use the form below to submit your answers to the football world.

Mr. Goodall: You should feel free to use the above questions, should you decide to end the whitewash and conduct a thorough investigation of Mr. Belichick's cheating.

To me, it's not even so much that Belichick and the Patriots cheated. I'm sure there are others in the NFL who have done similar things. Of course, no one has done it as much or as successfully (till now) as the Patriots.

But, the real kicker is that, even though caught red-handed, it appears Belichick will be allowed to walk away without even answering the real questions about his misconduct. Why does he get to walk away and others (i.e. Pete Rose, Marion Jones, etc) get crucified?

Let's not let that double-standard happen. As several fans commented below, we fans should be shown more respect than that. Speak out if you think Belichick should have to explain what the Patriots did. Or if you don't. Either way, tell the football world what you think by using the form below.

I'd also appreciate if you forwarded the link for this article to anyone you think might be interested. The link is:


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What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Cheaters always find a way to win 
Point blank : THEY CHEATED!!!!!! And got away with. But it's cool. What holds Belichick, Brady, Harrison, Bruschi, and tha rest of the key player's destiny …

We Still Need the Truth About Spygate 
Random thoughts on Pats Spy-Gate To the fans of Boston, you have one of the greatest sport cities of all time. You deserve props. You deserve truth …

Thanks to the Roger Goodell's bias towards New York. The Jets have successfully swept under the rug the fact they did the same thing the patriots did …

NFL is Protecting it's History -- and the Patriots  
Everyone did it my "Ass", I’m sure in the past when no by-laws were written most teams were utilizing the media technology to benefit their offenses, but …

A little more to the spygate story....? 
Thought the article was a little one-sided, but not bad overall. The following article is by a Pats fan, but is well written and insightful and might offer …

Matt Walsh Spygate Tapes 
So let me understand something... Goodell destroys the tapes in Feb. Fines the team and Belicheat. Says no new evidence came out of the Matt Walsh meeting …

Dude: Here are Belichick's Answers To Your Questions 
1. Who videotaped the Jets signals in your first game this season? Isn't this known? and if not who cares... it was cheating. 2. Who told …

Senator Awesome Bottoms 
There is no doubt that a rule was broken by the Patriots and, indeed, they were punished. I am pleased that the Matt Walsh mumbo-jumbo is now put behind …

Simplicity to the facts 
Simplicity to the facts. This is something that we have show to do in many situation. Ignore the facts when it may or will interfere with profits margins …

Kraft in hiding 
SEC Sports Fan: You challenge to Belichick and Goodell is on target but someone else is out there hiding. I’d like to bring some focus on a less-than-willing …

Good Open Discussion of Spygate 
Good web page for open discussion about the Spygate issue, my compliments. Whoever the architect of this web page is you speak the truth and come …

Moron's: Time to Boycott Pro Sports Leagues 
Coach cheater admitted to taping from the day he took the job. Fine then every game they have won under his regime should be forfeited including every …

Where is Matt Estrella (the Matt Walsh for the last 4 yrs)?? 
Send a letter to Arlen Spector with these requests.. 1. Find and question Matt Estrella with the same immunity given to Matt Walsh...I believe Estrella …

Cowboys Fan Sees Double Standard 
How can Goodall say the NFL does not inquire into prior misconduct? He went back in time to punish Wade Wilson for the use of performance enhancing drugs. …

Impressive Article 
I am a die hard Steeler fan. So obviously, I have a natural hatred of the Patriots. Inexplicably, however, I have been wanting to block out 'spygate' this …

The NFL's Videotape Rule is Clear 
The rule is NOT ambiguous people... It clearly states on Page 105 of the Game Operations Manual the following; "no video recording devices of any …

Pitiful response by Robert Kraft to Spygate 
Robert Kraft was asked by CNBC reporter Darren Rivell how he felt about being caught red-handed taping signals, Kraft replied by saying that it was embarassing …

Interested Fan 
The Pats were also forced to release Tom Shaw from the payroll this year. Tom has a company called Tom Shaw Performance Enhancement …

How many children did spygate influence to think cheating is ok? 
My son asked me right before the Superbowl what was the problem with Belichick cheating. I was shocked to hear him explain his rational. He goes on …

NFL farce of an "investigation" 
Check this info out: Told of the newest allegation (regarding spying on the Rams prior to their 2002 Super Bowl matchup), league spokesman Greg Aiello …

I believe after the news came out about the cheating against the Rams as well that Belicheat should be banned from the league. Robert Kraft should …

NFL Should Not Allow Patriot's Cheating 
It's just frustrating to know that the patriots could have been cheating for the last few years. How could the NFL allow stuff like this? I think …

Roger Goodell is a Hypocrite 
I agree completely with the above statements. Bill Belichick and the Patriots have been guilty of Spygate for years and all the commissioner wants to do …

Pro-Football Guru 
Nice website...if you want, I can take you to 10 websites that can confirm that George W. Bush is a direct descendant of Adolf Hitler too. Look, all …

Click here to write your own.

Every Team Tapes  
You know nothing about competitive football. Every team tapes the game and the signal callers to attempt to steal signals. Every team. It is part of …

Pat-Haters: Get over it! 
You people down south just don't get it. Don't be Pat-Haters!! Root for the perfect season. You bring up all this nonsense that a lot of the league …

All Pats Super Bowls get astericks 
Pats cheated and it should be noted in history. I always wondered how those no-name bumb Pats receivers would be just wide open as Brady dumped …

You're Not Serious? 
If you call into question the Patriot's prior victories, then you HAVE to call into question every other teams prior victories. Yeah! The Patriots …

Patriot's are Cheaters and the NFL Should Not Cover It Up 
The Patriots are CHEATERS and Goodall's complicity in covering up what they've done actually casts even a dimmer light on the credibility of the Pats …

Mike Powers (a Pats Fan) 
Wow, where do I begin? First, the commissioner says that whatever the Patriots did gave them no advantage. They got fined because of the blatant disregard …

Proof the Patriots Cheated? 
First of all... Eric Mangini is a rat and a hypocrite. He basked in he glory of success for several years while in NE, and sells out his former boss …

All NFL Teams Should be Investigated For Stealing Signs 
I say that all NFL teams should be investigated. It seems pretty obvious to me that all the teams in the NFL stretch the NFL constitution looking for an …

Why are we still arguing about this???.........the Pats admitted to cheating since 2000 - Goodell hid that fact until Spector questioned him. Case closed. …

Disgruntled Pats players spill the goods 
SAD Former Patriots linebacker Ted Johnson said this during an interview with USA TODAY shortly after he retired in 2005. "Every now and then I'd …

Radio Communication is the Real Spygate Issue 
Good job with the article. You are performing a public service for all REAL football fans. The allegation most assiduously avoided by the Patriots …

Taping is legal, kiddies 
Wow, some real grade school analysis here. Stealing Signs 101. Strange that someone would write so much about the illegal stealing of signs when...stealing …

Naive! Cowboys and Broncos Stole Signals Too 
The NFL never would outlaw stealing signals. It's not against the rules, so dwelling on that shows a misunderstanding on your part. The violation …

What other teams???? 
My favorite Pats apologist, justification, rationalization or minimization of all this dirty, rotten, Patriots cheating is............ "everyone does this" …

Contact Senator Specter 
Something that is fundamentally wrong to do becomes less fundamentally wrong proportionally to the amount of people (football teams) that do said action. …

Your commentary is not very fair, or honest. You must spend a lot of time listening to Keith Obermann. Like him, you cleverly omit some very important …

Let it go!!! Mooks!!!!!! 
Well, as you can probably tell by the title i'm a Life long pats fans... Okay, They caught A camera man Taping hand signals, they fined The coach half …

18-1 Yes... go ahead rub it in... proved one thing... THE PATRIOTS DON'T HAVE CHEAT TO least what you whiners call cheating anyway....and …

Pats should be kept out of hall of fame 
I have to admit to being delighted that the spygate thing is not being swept under the carpet. This week, the camera man who helped film the Rams walk …

Let's be real about this, they all cheat!!! 
Seriously man, is it cause New England isn't a southern team, is it cause Tom Brady qb'd at a Big Ten School? You honestly think the other 31 teams in …

Patriots will have an asterick next to their super bowls 
I really wish this was handled differently. It's also funny that most pats fan say "every team cheats" yet, they couldn't tell you the difference between …

Jealously and Resentment of Patriots 
No tapes of signals ....15 additional wins. Multiple NFL sources have indicated that stealing signals has been prevalent for decades. Go 19-0 and …

What? Your "Evidence" Against Belichick is Weak. Besides, Shouldn't Mangini Share Any Blame? 
First of all, you say nothing about Manginis problems and breaking of the rules(stealing stuff from the Patriots such a s scouting reports)). Second …

Fix of Super Bowl XXXVI 
What remains unasked is, in the aftermath of 9/11, with security on such an elevated level, how was this interloper allowed to get close enough to record …

Stop wasting Government time and money on this! 
If I were a voter from Pennsylvania (Thank God I'm not) I would be a little upset about Congressman Spector wasting time and resources to tell the NFL …

Click here to write your own.

How Bout Presenting All Sides of the Spygate Story? 
Whoever wrote this crap needs to go back to journalism school. First, in general, good reporting consists of getting all sides of an issue. I suppose if …

There was NO Patriot cheating. Not even close. 
I would like to correct a rather large bit of misinformation you have on your site here: "Of course, taping opposing teams signals would have allowed …

Goodall Comes Down Hard on Vick but not Patriots 
Mike Vick was given suspensions and things along those lines by Goodall, as was Pacman Jones and Tank Johnson. The Commish obviously isn't afraid to …

As usual, the cover-up is worse than the crime 
If the Pats' illegal taping did not help them in past seasons, then why did Goodell decide to destroy the evidence? Because the public wasn't interested …

Bad Article -- No wonder your not writting for something better 
Maybe you do write for something better, and that is why I don't see your name here. Just so you know it was not illegal to tape prior to 2005. Also …

Belichick should have been banned. 
Isn't there any honor in sports anymore? As a mom, I tried to teach my son, who played many sports, about good sportsmanship. The ole' cheaters never …

Someone needs to bring pro-athlete salaries back to earth ! 
Pro-athlete salaries started getting out of control like 20 years ago. No athlete deserves mega-millions for playing an unimportant game. Life would go …

Who Cares?! 
I'm sick and tired of this. The Pats didn't cheat any other time, and if they did, it's not cheating if you don't get caught.

Real Reason Commish Hasn't Pursued Spygate 
You seemed to have left out the real reason why the commish hasn't feverishly pursued this issue. The fact is that most teams are engaging in some type …

Stop Making the Patriots the Scapegoats 
Every one of the teams have been doing this for years and they all know it! It's not new, it was kept quiet until a certain coach wanted to settle something …

A lot more...Patriots Cheating 
Other rumors about the Patriots Way... Miking d-linemen to tape other QB's audibles and o-linemen snap-counts, interfering with headsets, and obviously, …

Media Shares Spygate Blame 
I think you are so on point. As a fan and lover of football, they have cheapened the sport. I also fault the media. They bowed out and then villified …

Patriots Should Have Been Barred For One Season By NFL 
I believe the NFL should have at least barred the patriots for the season, as they have already tainted "fair play" with their cheating tactics. Also they …

A distant Patriots fan 
Most certainly there should be a full investigation. Integrity is one of our most valuable assets, as an individual (Bill Belichick or Roger Goodall), …

Takes one (cheater) to know one 
Ok first of all lets get one thing straight, I am a Patriots and Rams fan. Ok now then, clearly these allegations are true. Yes I can completely admit …

Belichick did what he had to do to win 
Al Davis used to say -- "just win baby." And that's what it's about in big time NFL football. You are naive if you think this kind of stuff isn't …

Mr Packer fan Not rated yet
OMG Haters are gonna hate, The pats did not do anything that all the others teams were doing.All the teams were doing this at the time, Read up on …

Can anyone stop the New England Patriots in the AFC East? Not rated yet
Even with Tom Brady's four-match suspension, the New England Patriots remain on course to win the AFC East for the 12th time in 13 seasons. Bill Belichick's …

Video Taping is LEGAL except for filming locations prohibited by the NFL!!! Not rated yet
Just read the rules regarding video taping. It is perfectly LEGAL which is why every team does it. The NFL does not want the team that is taping to use …

dispicable uses of science be uncovered Not rated yet
as for the latest accused attempts of altering aerodynamic and catchable/gripping techniques (laws of gravity and coefficients of friction). it just proves …

What about other coaches saying they did the same thing? Not rated yet
Where are the comments from other coaches like Jimmy Johnson and Bill Cowher who said they did the same thing and didn't see anything wrong with it because …

Jets Spygate Not rated yet
The Jets were caught with an employee on the sideline with a camera recording directly at the Patriots sideline in 2011. They said he was with Jets TV. …

Patriot Hating Loser -- You Are  Not rated yet
Way to cherry pick your "facts", loser. You failed to mention how you thought this was a big advantage, which even Mangini claimed it wasn't. you failed …

Kraft - Goodell Connection Not rated yet
Didn't coach Belicheck win coach of the year the same year he got caught cheating? If you check it out you will find that Mr. Kraft was one of the top …

Patriots Also Cheated in Snow Blower Game Not rated yet
Well, I guess you can add Gregg Williams to the pile of cheaters But really, didn't anyone notice that Bellichick couldn't hack it in Cleveland …

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When was the "No Videotaping From the Sidelines" rules put in place? Not rated yet
The reason I ask is that how could the Patriots be called cheaters if the rule was put into effect in 2006? You can't cheat if there was no rule. I've …

pats 2 wins per year more than stats support? Not rated yet
Did I read on this site that the offensive and defensive statistics of the NE Patriots did not support their record of wins and loses? I read somewhere …

Jealousy Will get You Nowhere Not rated yet
All you need to know, is that the Patriots are the best team in the NFL, and have had the best record in the NFL SINCE the camera incident. Get over yourself, …

Ha! Are Patriots Still Cheating?  Not rated yet
Since this incident the Patriots have shown no decline in play. Matt Cassel played a season and they still played well. Belichick is still expressing …

Whoever runs this article sounds like a Patriots hater to me. There is no facts to the taping even being involved with the Superbowls. If they knew what …

Singling out the Patriots is Unfair Not rated yet
Firstly, I must say that it was a poor article. Your writing style is good actually, it's just a shame that what is written is such trash. First of …

Perhaps you should state everything about spygate Not rated yet
I see how this website states Belichick knowingly broke NFL rules by taping signals. What I fail to see is what rule. People, like this site will say he …

Spygate had no effect on the outcome of games Not rated yet
The Rooneys, bill cowher and jimmy johnson among many others said spygate had no affect on the outcome of games, JJ went as far to say that he did the …

Did Patriots Tape Eagles?  Not rated yet
I would love to know how long it has been going on if the Patriots taped the Eagles personnel signals in the superbowl loss to New England. The Patriots …

LeaderDeslokOfPlanetGamalon says Exile Belichick Not rated yet
On my planet we have a similar game to your foot ball except our 'Football' is 3-d. On my planet cheaters are exiled off Gamalon for a period of time …

Patriots Won Games On The Field  Not rated yet
hey guess i'm from St.Louis and theres a famous quote from cardinals baseball manger Whitey Herzog and he said you have to play the game between the white …

Patriots Haters: Get your facts straight and put aside your jealousy  Not rated yet
Ok, firstly all you rampant patriot haters should just get out. The only reason your posting here is because the patriots are better than your team. Now …

I'm a Pats fan AND I'm against cheating (simply don't understand how anyone can enjoy a victory while cheating). But every time this subject of taping …

patsfan101 Not rated yet
The jets coaches were waving to the cameras as they were being taped. NFL games are all taped and any footage can be seen, teams change many of there signals …


Why the NFL looked away Not rated yet
When this was going on MLB had steroids and the NBA had refs fixing games. The NFL did not want * next to any Super Bowls. It would have tarnished …

You are right and wrong Not rated yet
As a Patriots fan, Bill Belicheck did a terrible thing. But, I agree with you about how do we know if those tapes are real! Like when they showed a Patriots- …

You Hicks Are Jealous of the Patriots  Not rated yet
Whoever runs this page is a giant *** ** ** ***. Way to be biased against the pats and passively-agressively $hit on a team that he/she has no proof …

WeFreeThink Not rated yet
Ever since this whole thing went down and the Pats haven't been able to have to notice that they have been brought down to being an average …

Belicheat Should Be Banned Not rated yet
Bill Belicheat obviously cheated. One day down the road someone from the tenure of their so called "Dynasty" will write a book of tell all about the cheating …

Larceny in the NFL Not rated yet
It's a shame that America's favorite sport has been diminished to any degree by 1 man and allowed to happen with very little repercussions. I think …

It shouldn't matter how you get the signals. Not rated yet
Wow!Just Wow! If stealing signals is cheating, then every team and coach cheated. If it's legal to steal signals with a polaroid camera, if it's legal …

Spygate Punishment not enough, NFL tried to cover up Not rated yet
I agree that the punishment was not enough. How can you kick players out of the league for 1 year plus for gambling, off field incidents, etc. but a guy …

Teams have to trust players not to blab signals Not rated yet
It is hard to know just how much advantage the "taping" gave to the Pats, then again they didn't lose a game until the Super Bowl, that might be a clue. …

Different Perspective on Spygate  Not rated yet
I wrote two blogs about this: Vaporgate . and Media Perception vs Reality . When you think about things in those ways, you have a different …

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Patriots Dirty and Cheaters Too Not rated yet
Until now i thought the Patriots were just show offing, dirty playing **. ( see game against San Deigo in week 2.. they stomped San Diego's logo after …

More cheaters in NFL Not rated yet
Funny how you don't mention that the NFL should come down hard on Mangini, Crennel, and Weiss for their obvious part in the scandal. They should also …

Bill told us everything we need to know. Not rated yet
Belichick, in one of his few comments said he had a different interpretation of the rules. That sounds to me like he did not think he was cheating. Well, …

Big To Do About Nothing Not rated yet
Well, Well, Well. Walsh's Lawyers today tell the NFL that the 8 tapes Walsh will hand over have nothing to do with the Ram's walkthrough. Also, the tapes …

Destroyed Tapes Not rated yet
Hello class, Written on this page is "it was the NFL which inexplicably destroyed the original tapes " More misinformation. The author implies that …

Exploring "The Unfair Advantage Doctrine" Not rated yet
Mr. Editor, I think we all agree with a prior comment you made: 'cheating gives one team an unfair advantage over another'....Let's face it: If you …

football fan Not rated yet
This is sad for you people to still talk about .Is like you have nothing better to do.I am a JETS fan but still I am tired of listening of this. You and …

Old School Football Not rated yet
Belechek, Kraft, Goodell and every guilty referee belong in orange prison fatigues for rigging games, destroying evidence before it became evidence, and …

NFL: The Greatest Show on Earth Not rated yet
I would say Roger Goodell is between a rock and a hard place maybe he should confer with the board of the WWF for some tips, after all millions of people …

SPYGATE Leak Theory Not rated yet
Strictly a Theory, and may be totally unconnected but, deserves investigation..... Goodell's wife works for FOX. FOX somehow acquired the "stolen" or …

Spying Happens in College Football Too Not rated yet
To comment on "If there was an allegation that a college football coach was intentionally cheating; stealing signals from the other team; you can be sure …

Goodell questioned about Spygate during Congressional Sub-Committee 2/27/08 Not rated yet
Not sure if anyone saw this (trying to find confirmation of it with no luck so far) but towards the very end of the House Commerce, Trade and Consumer …

Fan -- Kudos to Mangini Not rated yet
When Bill coached the Browns he didn't have much success. I would take from that that the cheating didn't begin until he became the Patriot's head coach. …

Conspiracy To Defraud Paying Fans Not rated yet
Belichik and Goodall have something in common. They both want this thing to go away. The problem is that they both have participated in a conspiracy …

Spygate is a joke: GROW UP! Not rated yet
Whats next with all you people out there? Is there going to be some kind of scandel in Drama Class next... They paid there fines did there time, took the …

Spygate Hypocricy  Not rated yet
What I find hypocritical is that everyone is throwing the Patriots organization under the bus when this has been going on for years within the league by …

this spygate thing is nothing Not rated yet
There's so much hot air on this site, it's laughable. But let me add my hot air to the mix! Mangini finked on Belecheck. Nobody else in the league …

Don't Just Focus on the Pats Not rated yet
Does anyone think Bill is stupid? that answer is NO! Let's ask Bill if he's caught other teams doing the same thing. I would bet, the reason Goodell …

Inside Scoop on Spygate  Not rated yet
1. Mr. Walsh has signed a confidentiality agreement with The New England Patriots Orginzation. The Senate would have to go to court to get that overturned. …

Concerned Patriot Fan Not rated yet
As always, in life, we are guilty and vilified, once accused. The Pats were caught taping the Jets, which had no bearing on that game, as stated by the …

Spygate: It is history Not rated yet
Come on guys Old Bill looked the rules Checked the price Did the dirt Now don't get wrong I not a fan of old Bill & the boys (Pat's) Page 105 …

You need to analyze the last Steelers-Pats AFC Championship game Not rated yet
After Spector's meeting with Goodall it was confirmed that this involves 4 games against the Steelers. (You need to read the Pittsburgh Newspapers). …

Disappointment in Goodell Not rated yet
The NFL is a multi-billion dollar business & as such should be held accountable to it's fans, because we pay them. Why would we watch this sport if any …

Hypocrite Patriot Fans Not rated yet
How do the Patriot fans complain and whine about the last 1:40 of the Superbowl? What I am talking about is this so called petition they are signing …

Awesome Not rated yet
This is the greatest web site I have ever seen. Editor's Note: Hey, thanks a lot Tony. Very nice of you to say. We work hard at it and have great …

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Just my analysis of Spygate Not rated yet
Ok not that it matters much but I did go to Law School and I think the debate should surround THIS at this point. INTENT- As in criminal law, there …

Belicheat  Not rated yet
It's obvious what's been going on with the Pats. If you go back further in Belichicks coaching career you will find the same conduct and concerns as far …

Spygate: as government expands, freedom contracts Not rated yet
maybe some of you, are just football fans and not political scientists. But, I want to ask you to consider the unintended consequences of what might be …

lone star pats fan  Not rated yet
The NFL will not investagate because its like steriods a lot of teams do it so many so called titles will be revoked. Losers call it cheating. winners …

Pathetic Assumptions  Not rated yet
Why does the author of this article keep assuming things? What kind of person assumes something or someone is guilty instead of innocent? How long …

NFL lacks integrity, is trying to sweep this under the rug Not rated yet
The NFL is acting like a business or a government institution that is accused of breaking a law. As one ESPN writer said, they're acting like they're …

Cheated Rams Fan Not rated yet
It makes me wonder how many of the other players that have played on that cheating team know about everything but are not coming forward because they had …

Victory Surrounds and the Truth is Inevitable Not rated yet
This took me a while to write because to be honest with you, it still hasn’t quite sunk in. My Big Blue, the New York football Giants have won the Super …

Take on Spygate from a True Giant Fan Not rated yet
I'm so glad I came across this site. I am a Giants fan and have been for years. A lot of people say I'm only interested in the spygate BS because of the …

Eagle Fan Not rated yet
As an Eagle fan, we would love to hear more from Weis or anyone else with info concerning that superbowl. As you've stated, 3 point victories are tight …

Patriots: I smell a rat! Not rated yet
I find it hard to believe for so many seasons Peyton Manning shreds every defense he faces, but when going against the Pats in Foxboro in the Playoffs …

All coaches expect their signals are being intercepted! Not rated yet
Goodell said he does not believe any of the Patriots victories are tainted. "There is no indication that it benefited them in any of the Super Bowl …

UNFAIR: marion jones gets medals returned to her Not rated yet
I just thought I would post this up for all you patri-out fans. It seems that as long as you say you're sorry and deny deny it is perfectly O.K to …

Suppose...Suppose...Suppose Not rated yet
Your article doesn't take into account but a few facts. You then wander down a path for your own amusement. Do you actually think coaches don't have …

Here's a harsh (but just) punishment for Spygate Not rated yet
First off I just heard about this scandel on 2/4/08 by reading about it in the after Superbowl reviews. Belichick should have been fired and return …

Spygate Must Be Investigated by Impartial Party Not rated yet
I think a full investigation should be done by an impartial party, and the Pats and said coaches should be required to answer all and any questions by …

Disqualify Jets Game Not rated yet
The NFL should have simply changed the Patriots win against the Jets to a loss due to a disqualification for cheating. Of course they won't, an undefeated …

Even if all teams tape the Patriots broke many historic records. -Most consecutive regular season wins -Most wins in a single season -Most TDs in …

Belichick Needs to be Taught a Lesson About Fair Play Not rated yet
The only reason Senator Specter got involved is because one of his biggest backers tried to pick up NFL games and was denied so he's trying to through …

Spygate Causes Betting World Blues Not rated yet
I am completely against any team using the methods the Patriots used to cheat and feel as you do that the NFL should be more appropriate in the punishment …

Hell or High Water Not rated yet
No other team in the history of the NFL has been fined a first round draft pick (until now), nor has a coach been fined $500,000 (until now). If all …

jealous of pats Not rated yet
so how do u explain them being undefeated since week 2 maybe because they have been so successful non patriot fans had to come up with some way to bring …

Trying to be neutral, but the evidence is troubling Not rated yet
I did like the Pats, and were rooting for them. Pat fans, how can you say this is jealousy or just rooting against the Pats. There is evidence they …

Don't take away the magic -- or santa Not rated yet
Is this really what any fan wants? Does any fan of any sport, not just football wan't to see dishonesty within their sport? Of course not. I would …

More disturbing than cheating...Manning Draft Not rated yet
I hear you brotha, but I do feel you left out some key information. It sucks to think teams cheat, but what bothers me most is that Eli Manning was too …

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Can't Congratulate a Cheater Not rated yet
I have nothing against the Patriots, but it is difficult to congratulate or even be impressed with a cheater. You would think the questions in this article …

OUTSTANDING Not rated yet
I want to know! This whole episode reeks of a cover up, and trying to get along with business as usual which is raking in cash hand over fist. …

Spygate Blown Out of Proportion  Not rated yet
You state that a letter was sent to all the coaches on Sept. 6 2006. You later say that all the Patriots Super Bowls and AFC Championship are tarished. …

Belichick and Patriots: Go Directly To Jail! Liars Not rated yet
In the not too distant past it seems that a major headline story was sentencing Martha Stewart to prison for "lying" to agents about insider trading. …

Remember Spygate Not rated yet
The Patriot's past winning seasons and championships, however they were achieved, have made them attractive to players trying to make it to the big one, …

Patriots Prior Cheating Paying Off Now Not rated yet
The taping of calls and intercepting of coaches to quarterbacks were for future games. It's paying off now. That's why the Patriots are kicking butt …

Cheaters Do Win Superbowls Not rated yet
This is truly a black day in sports. The only fair punishment for the Patriots is to strip them of their Superbowl victories. When you eavesdrop, steal …

Patriots Not Undefeated Because They Taped Signals Not rated yet
I love the NFL. Modern day gladiators if you will. I now wonder if other teams in the NFL watch, copy, memorize, record other teams signals? Hey! Maybe …

nfl no more? Not rated yet
looks like the nfl is turning into the nba as fast as they can. goons, cheaters, and crooked refs. i told my daughter "cheaters don't win." guess i …

Patriots No Better Than Black Sox Not rated yet
I have personally said for years that the patriots are little better than the black sox. For a few years i also was naive enough 2 think that the cheating …

Patriots Spygate: outside observer opinion Not rated yet
Looking at this as a football fan I see every coordinator covering their mouth before they call in a play. Why would they do that if they were was not …

Bellicheat and the Pat's have cost people jobs Not rated yet
The Pats and their coach have obviously been doing this a while, probably against the Chargers in last years playoffs which caused Marty to be fired. …

Interesting Belichick Spygate Article Not rated yet
I'll admit, I don't follow sports as much as I used to. I recently discovered this "spygate" scandal (considering it's week 11, they've done a decent job …

Billy Blue Not rated yet
Wake up America!!! Our society is based on making the quick buck with the least amount of pain involved. Cheating has long been embedded in our way of …

Bill Belichick: Why in the world did you do this? Not rated yet
Patriots fans crow that their team did not need to cheat in order to win games. Let us assume this is true. The question then becomes, "Why did you feel …

The Patriots Have Earned Millions From Spying Not rated yet
Good article. It's ridiculous that the coach and team get fined only $750,000 all together. Heck, Belichick earns that in a good week! And, consider …

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025

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