All NFL Teams Should be Investigated For Stealing Signs

by Big Lou

I say that all NFL teams should be investigated. It seems pretty obvious to me that all the teams in the NFL stretch the NFL constitution looking for an edge. Some do it better than others.

And besides what is the big deal about stealing signs? You still have to have the talent to execute and let's face it some of these NFL teams are just too stupid to be able to recognize new signs each week let alone each half.

Baseball teams change signs during the game, what is the matter with Football players...

One thing overlooked in this whole discussion is the fact that New England has smarter, more intelligent players than any other team period.

That is the difference.

Editor's Note Well, that's the point I think. If the Patriots have smarter players -- why do they need to cheat? And, I think it does matter a lot if you know the play the other team is going to run ahead of time. That is a significant advantage. Yes, I know they all try to steal each others signs. And, that is fine -- as long as done legally.

In this case, Belichick and the Patriots crossed the line. Videotaping signs is simply illegal. And Belichick knew it. Not so smart.

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Feb 04, 2008
Get a Life!
by: Anonymous

I just stumbled upon this website. WOW -- I can't believe you have compiled all of this data. Do you have a life? Gimme a break, dude! Why in the heck would the commish want to protect one coach on one team? He has no reason to do that. He destroyed the tapes to protect the whole league. Cheating has been going on in football since the 70s. I'm not condoning it; I'm just here to tell you that this Senator is opening a can of worms. The Pats have been quiet for a reason. You start pushing for more and more information, you don't think they're going to start ratting out other teams?? We shall see.......unless the Senator backs down after he talks to the commish. This is a BIG business people. We're in America. This country has been built on people cheating. Hello --- this land was stolen from the Native Americans.

Apr 17, 2008
by: Mr. Eko

"Videotaping signs is simply illegal."

That is incorrect. Videotaping from the sidelines is against the Anderson memo. You are not allowed to videotape from specified locations. Face it, the Commish overreacted. Phony controversy.

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