You're Not Serious?

by Mike S.
(Methuen, MA)

If you call into question the Patriot's prior victories, then you HAVE to call into question every other teams prior victories.

Yeah! The Patriots got caught. As a Pats fan I was very disappointed. But then you have to look at the NFL response. You're right about the punishment being tepid. $500,000.00 fine. Bob Kraft probably reimbursed Bill out of petty cash. Draft real punishment there either.

But wait...except for Tony Dungy whose only comment was "this is a sad day", no other organization is challenging the NFL ruling. WHY? Because no other team wants to be the hypocrite, period.

Bill Parcells and Jimmy Johnson both said it. ALL teams do this. Doesn't make it right. And I'm still disappointed. But you'll notice that all of the continued criticism comes from the fans of other teams and media types looking to sell a story. The last thing another organization wants is to get on the "Suspend Belichick" bandwagon and have a former player or disgruntled former employee spill the beans about them.

I think the big problem here is Mangini who broke the "code of silence" and made this thing public. The only reason this hasn't gone away is that the Pats have yet to be defeated. If they were losing, you wouldn't hear a peep. Fans of other teams need to blame their losses on something. Except of course, their own teams poor performance.

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Jan 02, 2008
by: Jet Fan

The pats are lousy with cheaters and you blame Mangini! If this aint the typical Pat's fan. Too much!

Feb 16, 2008
by: Anonymous

All teams have done this. They all watch films shot from the field not ESPN, skyshot photos of lineups are constantly sent down to the sidelines during the game, they all try to figure out each others handsignals. Why do you think they cover their mouth with their playbook whence speaking. People forget that this is also a game of strategy as you play the game. Ive been on the sidelines and witnessed this.

Bottom line is the players still have to execute the plays. The NFL cannot single out one man for this. All teams should come forward and support Belichick instead of hiding behind a rock and pretending they did nothing wrong in the past. This whole thing is Pure Bull Dung in my opinion.

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