UNFAIR: marion jones gets medals returned to her

I just thought I would post this up for all you patri-out fans.

It seems that as long as you say you're sorry and deny deny it is perfectly O.K to cheat your way to a few super bowls. Heck, maybe we should just forget about barry bonds and sammy and roger and Mr. -- let me make this perfectly clear. Because after all as long as you apologize and say you didn't know all will be forgotten.

Is this what you tell your kids? Just make sure when you copy johnny's test the teacher isn't looking and if you get caught just say you're sorry and you didn't know!

With all the steroids and cheating going on it is refreshing to see how people justify this for the sake of money.

The fact that these tapes and other evidence is being destroyed smells like a cover up on a very large scale.

When Ben Johnson got caught using steroids it was the talk of the town but nobody ever mentioned that most of the others also at one point had also tested positive.

So I guess it all good as long as your team is doing the cheating !!!!!!

Thx Terry

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