Someone needs to bring pro-athlete salaries back to earth !

by Rick

Pro-athlete salaries started getting out of control like 20 years ago. No athlete deserves mega-millions for playing an unimportant game. Life would go on if these games did not exist.

Why should these guys thrive this way when most of the country is struggling just to survive and put food on the table ?

Lance Briggs left a $250,000 Lamborghini wrecked on the side of the road as if it were a cigarette butt, just to avoid a DUI. 30 years ago,it would have taken like half an NFL team to afford that car. And he's not even very good.

C.C. Sabathia.... $161 million.... 7 years a yankee . He's a pitcher that plays like once every 5 games. Do the math. It comes to about $78,000 per inning pitched. And that's if he pitches a complete game every time. I don't see any championship rings on him.

Just 2 examples out of many of how out of control things are in pro sports. Why is it continuing to get more and more out of control every year ? Because fans not only let it, they make it happen.

There needs to be a nationwide boycott now ! On all pro-sports. Stop watching. Stop buying apparel. Stop betting on it. Stop buying tickets and going to games.

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Jan 21, 2009
Sports Aren't Just A Silly Game
by: Anonymous

Are you serious?!?! Sports arent just a game. They help communities grow bigger and even help bring money in to cities! These athletes attract fans which brings in money, and the taxes go to the city in which the team is located. Athletes also are role models for kids. Some of these kids dont have much to look forward to in life besides sports. Are sports really just silly games?

Jan 21, 2009
Boycott Sports
by: Anonymous

hahahahahahahahah. you cant be serious about boycotting sports can you?????

Sports are a way of life. It would be litteraly IMPOSSIBLE to have everyone stop going to games and watching them on TV. Sports are peoples WHOLE lifes. wow. please tell me your not serious. please!

Apr 13, 2010
Well...It's Insane What Pro Athletes Are Paid
by: An 8th Grader

I agreed with you in ther beginning, but towards the end you really set me off! I think that half of the pro athletes money should go to help many in need like in Russia, and many other countries that have many lying half dead on the street! Many people have to work many years studying, working their butts off, barely having anytime to spend with family, working so hard every countless day to provide food for their families! I think that we should not get rid of sports, sports are not just a little thing that we should do away with! NO! It is a passion!:) But I do belive that the pro-athletes should not be paid as much as they are being paid now...It is insane!

Oct 19, 2010
Role Models
by: Anonymous

You said it right there; these athletes are role models to our kids. We do have some that do great as a model to that position, while others we have no choice but to change the channel when Stewart Scott or someone like him is announcing a dui arrest or even worse a sexual assult. I believe the only way to make these athletes understand that they are role models is to take away their perception of being invincible.

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