Pro-Football Guru

by Clozernam
(Elkhart, Indiana)

Nice website...if you want, I can take you to 10 websites that can confirm that George W. Bush is a direct descendant of Adolf Hitler too.

Look, all teams tape their opponents, even today. The taping just cannot be done from the sidelines. All teams try to figure out the other teams signals, which is why the NFL has wireless headsets to quarterbacks and defensive captains. The prohibitation is from where you tape, not if you can tape. All NFL stadiums have cameras installed by home teams to tape their opponents sidelines and the plays. So, get over it. Its called "game tape."

No surprise Senator Specter waited until the just before the Super Bowl to try to bust up the Patriots. He is from Pennsylvania. Steeler and Eagles fans are historic cry babies. They cannot understand that their inability to win every year is becuase they are not that good. The Bus has left town and McNabb is overrated. Did video taping make McNab quit in the fourth quarter of his Superbowl debute?

Every Patriots season that has led to a Superbowl win has been filled with closely fought games. In fact, their average margin of victory in Superbowls is 3 points. Not exactly a sign that the Pats knew everything the other teams were doing. This season is the only one where the Pats have romped their opponents. No taping this what is the excuse now?

Just sour grapes...sour grapes.

Another similar visitor comment:

"This is professional football? Anything short of mayhem should go -be fair- except payoffs to players coaches, and refs. A little battle field intel and communication security just add to the game.

Pats were smart to use all available means to win - stupid to get caught."

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Feb 17, 2008
Pattys can't win
by: Randall

when the game is officiated fairly. When the NE FRAUDULENTS got penalized for offensive holding early in XLII, it was the NFL's way of telling them, "you've become to big of an embarrassment and we can't fix this game for you because there is too much heat right now. Win the game on your own! How'd that work out? HAHAHHAHAHAHAA!

Feb 26, 2008
Great post
by: Anonymous

Very good points... The hype on the website and others is almost laughable if it weren't cathcing on with such legs... people just seem to want to assume the worse in people.. or the Pats...
Anyway it seems Spector has interests of his own in this... especially with the NFL in a current battle with his top campain contributor comcast... Ah the plot thickens, and Spector is seen as the shallow crook he really is. He is trying to desimate a sport/team for his own gain.Typical senator... The hypocracy is rampid...

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