Patriots will have an asterick next to their super bowls

by NH Guy
(Dover, NH)

I really wish this was handled differently.

It's also funny that most pats fan say "every team cheats" yet, they couldn't tell you the difference between a 4-3 & 3-4 defense if their Tom Brady jersey depended on it.

Being a NFL football fanatic I could have accepted those questions answered (that should have been asked & mysteriously were not??) and have the pats exposed for the sham they are. but, that would be bad for the Pats & the NFL & in the end bad for business. Bad for business = bad for money. In the end it's about money.

This will be the first super bowl I won't be watching in 30 years.. of course the Pats will beat the Chargers & of course they win the big one again. AND of course they'll always have "*" next to their name for every Super Bowl they've been in.

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Jan 15, 2008
The asterick lives
by: the gipper

Bill Belicheat is a dirty old man and a filthy rotten scoundrel. I am a colt fan and I know those superbowl wins and seasons are tainted. Its obvious now that SPYGATE has come out. New Englandeers are pathetic winners and even worse when they lose. Brady is good but the Cheatriots need to admit the asterick is necessary for the record books. Cheaters should never be allowed to compete for a title. The whole organization should have been suspended, GO COLTS!!


Jan 18, 2008
I couldn't agree more!
by: Dave Richards

I couldn't agree more! Cheating is not what Bill Belichick does...IT"S WHO HE IS! On and off the field. But the NFL is willing to covered it up for the love of money. And the Pats fans (and I used to be one of them) will gladly turn a blind eye and use the lame excuse "everybody does it". Integrity is not something that can be won, bought, stolen, or acquired by cheating. It has to be earned. Winning does not make you a winner, it just makes you rich. Playing with integrity makes you a winner. The Patriots have lost their moral compass, if they ever had one to start with. Unfortunately Bill Belichick is the Marion Jones of the NFL, but don't expect him to be ask to return any of his stolen trophies anytime soon. Dave Richards

Jan 24, 2008
No they won't
by: Tony

"This will be the first super bowl I won't be watching in 30 years"


"AND of course they'll always have "*" next to their name for every Super Bowl they've been in."

No there won't.


Jan 24, 2008
wow! to NH Guy in Dover
by: Eakme

Seems NH Guy thinks he are the only football fanatic in N.E.?

By the way, not only do I know the 3-4 vs 4-3 defense, I wear a Grogan shirt to show my long standing enjoyment of this team. My kids can wear Brady, and no they do not know the 3-4.

You want answers to some questions, why don't you try to answer these;

How did taping the first five minutes of the Jets game in week one help the patriots defeat the next 17 opponents?

What other teams have videotaped games? (think anyone will admit it? If integrity is so damn important to you and this web page you should also demand they do!)

What other methods have all teams used to obtain signals, and which of those also violate rules?

You see, what the NFL doesn't want is what happened to baseball, people having doubts about many many teams and players.

Mangini almost became the NFL's Jose Canseco spilling out all of the beans.
To stop it, the NFL punished Belichick quickly and moved on, because we all know that under investigation we would find all kinds of rules broken, all over the league.

Don't be so quick to think it is just the Patriot's cheating that the commish is hiding by "moving on" here, it isn't.

Don Shula was crying for that asterisk you seem infatuated with, but does he mention that while coaching the Colts in 1969 he was recruited by the Dolphins in a way that violated league policy, costing a draft pick?

Would he have two rings and a perfect season with Dolphins if not allowed to coach in Miami? Where's the bottle of tarnex for his trophy?

Of course it IS about money, that is why it is a PROFESSIONAL sport.

But in this case, the NFL wanted the Pats to be the Patsies, because Mangini blew the lid on something that could have gone federal, like in baseball.

Now, there are no facts or evidence that other teams have done it, but current coaches like Tomlin, and several former coaches (Parcells, Johnson) state it has been happening. And I believe their testimony over the creator of this web page, who can speculate about past video all he wants, but can only prove five minutes of useless Jets footage.

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