Pitiful response by Robert Kraft to Spygate

by Jimbo

Robert Kraft was asked by CNBC reporter Darren Rivell how he felt about being caught red-handed taping signals, Kraft replied by saying that it was embarassing and we have moved beyond it.

It was very clear from his reply that they admitted guilt but didn't want to discuss it any further.

Kraft always preaches how important his organization's reputaion and image is and his way of dealing with it is to sweep it under the rug.

Not much of a strech to think that Goddell, Belicheck & Kraft have colluded not to pursue the issue because all three parties will get a huge black eye for this. It's sad to see how playing fairly by the rules is not as important as winning at all costs.

Let's go after these cheaters for this and make them an example for everyone to witness how the game should NOT be played which is as important as how it should be played.

Kudos to Arlen Spector for having the guts to stand up to these cheaters.

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Feb 07, 2008
Has He Done This Before
by: Daleene Farmer

I've been hearing a lot of rumors that this isn't the first time a team that Belichick was under has been caught cheating. I've tried to do the research, but it isn't easy finding any of his past teams articles and such. I just hope that if it is true; it wasn't with the Giants when he was under Parcells. I mean, Parcells was an ass, but I hope he wouldn't resort to this disgrace, I'd be ashamed if it was my own team. I can't understand why the Patriots fans aren't ashamed as well. They stick by this team like it is Jesus Christ incarnant.

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