Where is Matt Estrella (the Matt Walsh for the last 4 yrs)??

Send a letter to Arlen Spector with these requests..

1. Find and question Matt Estrella with the same immunity given to Matt Walsh...I believe Estrella lives in Mass according to the Boston Herald. He had Matt Walsh's position from 2003 to present. He is the one who was caught taping at the Jets game. And he was the one also caught the year before at the Green Bay Game taping. GB kicked him out. but he kept taping from the tunnel. Pointing to the GB sideline with the videocam and then pointing to the scoreboard so the Pats could synch up the situation with the signals and figure out who was LIVE and not the dummy signal caller. Easy to make half time adjustments from there.

So there are the GB witnesses that kicked him out twice. Please bring them in for questioning.

This incident also initiated a Warning from the league and was the impetus for the letter that came out in summer camp.

2. And WHERE is the Green Bay Tape from 2006? This was not mentioned in the tapes the Pats turned in.

3. Bring in and question Doug Flutie. When he was with the Pats just one year (2005) he said publicly as he first listened in on the QB helmet, how he was amazed that the Pats were telling Brady exactly what the Defensive play would be. Google Flutie and amazed and brady and play. and you find the article. According to the article Flutie would not comment.

4. Ask the Commissioner why he did not RECUSE himself from the investigation? Robert Kraft was on the Commissioner search committee (8 owners total) for replacing Tagliabue. Kraft was one of the publicly outspokened owners that recommended Roger Goodall as the new commissioner 4 months prior to the Jets game where the Pats were caught cheating.

Any good lawyer like Goodall would realize there was a conflict and he should of recused himself from the situation and selected someone more impartial from NFL security to investigate.

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Feb 21, 2008
Good Question
by: Anonymous

Exactly, BTW, WTF IS Matt Estrella?? All this is incredibly fascinating. Any opinion on whether this is all commonplace in the NFL?? How smug can you be to TAPE from the tunnel, after having been booted from the sideline. I hope this absolutely explodes. I want to know it all. Dirty rotten cheats.

Feb 22, 2008
I agree
by: Vito Puntillo

How about going the next step - get all the pats current and past (disgruntled) players in and interview them. Ask Ted Johnson about his "audibles" remark.
Then interview Fatso Charlie Weiss about his "we stole your signals" comment after the tampa game????

This is such a pathetic cover up.

Mar 08, 2008
low battery
by: Anonymous

Couldn't find any legit Flutie comments. Just blogs. Most NFL coaches are either very quiet or saying that the "cheating" had no impact on the games. The Pats got ratted out, but I guarantee most (or all) other teams did the same thing that the Pats did. If anything, fans should be pissed at Mangini for all of this. But since the Pats are a dynasty and the the Jets suck, no one cares about Mangini.

Mar 10, 2008
Somebody also needs to find . . .
by: Paris

Ernie Adams. He is the key to the whole Pat's "Video Team." He was with Belicheat since Cleveland. And the video trail will go that far back. The admissions have already gone from the first game in 2007, then the entire 2006 season, then Belicheat recently acknowledged since 2000 (with the Pats).

As Special Assistant to the Coach, Adams is at the heart of all of this. He will know where the digitized, library/archive is buried. He will know the content and extent of what was all going on, and by that I mean on both sides of the ball. In order for linebackers like Ted Peterson to get a "sheet" of paper with the opposing team's offensive audibles/plays on it, one hour before the game, clearly demonstrates eavesdropping on both offensive and defensive sides of the ball. Someone needs to let the Senator know that he shouldn't be stopping with Walsh, He needs to get the truth out of Ernie Adams, Matt Estrella, and all others associated with these two. Whatever was going on, was done on a sophisticated and grand scale.

Anyone ever notice how slow, and how much time Brady takes in walking up to center to take the snap? Hey, it's not easy processing information when two voices are coming into your helmet at the same time. I wonder if it was in stereo?

In order to get both the defensive and offensive/audible "calls" clearly, he had to get first one (defensive scheme), then create the other at the line. That takes just a bit of time, hence that slow, deliberate walk he does. Keep in mind, the play called in the huddle is essentially toast. Doug Flutie's USA Today comments supports this.

Eventually, this team is going to greatly embarrass themselves, the NFL, and most importantly but unfortunately, their good, ardent fans and supporters. What a shame this will be.

Jul 30, 2009
This is proof?
by: Anonymous

this is your "proof" on flutie??? Dan LeBetard saying he heard SECOND HAND???

i’ve heard second hand about doug flutie being amazed when he got there that the plays were being piped into his helmet warning brady what was coming…..we’ve tried to talk to flutie on our radio show about it but he hangs up on my producer…..

Please spare me

Jan 29, 2015
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by: Anonymous

What is the boy's name who holds Tom Brady's balls?

Jan 29, 2015
Who Hold's Tom Brady's balls
by: Anonymous

What is the boy's name who holds Tom Brady's balls?

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