Every Team Tapes

by NFL Fan -- Glen Tompkins
(Salt Lake, Utah)

You know nothing about competitive football. Every team tapes the game and the signal callers to attempt to steal signals. Every team. It is part of the game you don't understand.

The specific nature of the rule allows a team to tape any part of the game as long as the taping is done "within an enclosed portion of the stadium." The patriots broke this rule and videotaped from the field. So the mere fact that they videotaped is not cheating.

Every team videotapes to try to decipher the other teams signal calling, much in the same way bench coaches in baseball try to detect opposing teams signals to see if a specific play is on.

Media outlets such as yourself need to put away the conspiracy theories and make this distinction. The location the patriots used for the videotaping was the rule breaker not the videotaping itself.

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Nov 23, 2010
Everybody doesnt cheat like this
by: Quicksilvercoach

Nice try Glen, but as a person who has seen as much as the game can show, its not the fact that they had video tape from ANY angle that is in question,

If a team is stupid enough to broadcast their playcalling from the sideline they get what they deserve.

but with the evidence that we KNOW of,
it is very easy to break down the opponents
defensive calls, and prepare reflex calls,
and SIGNAL them in via headset (the unseen accomplice in this dynamic) . So you can see the defense wig wag a play in, and have the PERFECT call prepared for it.(See my post on the main page) its illegal no matter how you slice it, AND if done properly DECIDED the outcome of a game, otherwise why bother?

That's how a "genius" like Charlie Weiss can stump the pro world then go 115th out of 115 in college offense with all tools and exposure Notre Dame has to offer.I also not Bellichik career record before his "MIRACLE" run.

Ive made a career out of leading the league in passing with no staff, no equipment, no field, no speed, no size, no line, and next to no practice.
My team just lost the semi pro national championship, we've been 26-1 last 2 yrs.

Ive watched film til my eyes bled and go thru vcrs like toilet paper, but I would never dream of filming their practice or employing a spy,
I want to be able to look you in the eye after I crush you by 40, and more importantly look myself in the eye.

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