How many children did spygate influence to think cheating is ok?

by erik
(glen burnie, md)

My son asked me right before the Superbowl what was the problem with Belichick cheating. I was shocked to hear him explain his rational.

He goes on to say, "I mean Dad, he cheated, did not have to answer for his actions, he said when the reporters was asking him about it, he said 'Any questions about the game?' he's still winning all the games, probably got his fine paid by Mr. Kraft and his team is being looked at as the best team ever! It was worth it!"

I was instantly furious that this SOB (Belichick) made a child think, my child at that, that it was OK to cheat. This goes beyond NFL.

How are other children receiving this message? They got their just desserts with that loss.

Another thing, I heard some sportscaster say, "Everybody does it. It happens all the time." I cannot believe grown men say stupid crap like that! I mean MURDER happens all the time!

Point: just because everybody is doing wrong, doesn't mean it's OK to do wrong. It's really sad that some people would try to downplay this.

When you get caught cheating, everything that you've done, are doing and will do become suspect!

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Feb 26, 2008
I feel the same way!!!!!
by: Anonymous

I am a youth football coach and i am disgusted with the whole thing the kids are suppossed to look up and model themselves after someone ....this is not what i teach or coach to my kids, not to mention my own son.... I tell him i don't care what they are doing do it right,and clean get them back hard and clean...I am from new england and it's terrrible how everyone rationalizes everything..i wish that someone would stand up for what is right and ban belecheat and shut down goodell for trying to cover this up for the "integretiy of the game" they have been doing this for a long time Goodell is real tough on the little guy to clean up the image of the robert craft gives a signal and it's all a wash....that's not the right way I want to bring my kids up...Dennis Nash Enfield Ramblers asso. Enfield CT

Jan 28, 2009
grow up and stop lying
by: Anonymous

seriously, i doubt that you have a child that said that. You are definately a hater of the Patriots. Lets say that your imaginary son is real, the media is to blame for his mindset. they threw the word cheating around so much that it was engraved into the head of anyone who doesnt play football. Maybe that pats didnt use it to benefit from, or that other teams do it. Consider the wide variety of possibilities other than " the pats videotaped some signals for the first couple of minutes of the jets game, therefore all there success is tainted and their Super Bowls are undeserved". Grow Up and give credit where it is due.

Jan 29, 2009
talk about growing up!
by: erik

They got caught cheating, period. No amount of fan loyalty will ever change that. Just because you LLOOVVEEEE a particular team, doesn't change the fact.
The name of the charge was,"Illegal videotaping"
HHMMM, maybe the word 'illegal' has a definition...
You don't get fined a combined 3 quartes of a million dollars for giving credit where credit is due.
Another problem was Belecheat should have either had NO statement at all or...He should have come clean and apologized. Not that 10 year old crap, "I didn't know I couldn't do that."
Talk about...grow up!?

Mar 06, 2009
by: Anonymous

That wasn't even remotely close to a comeback. You just repeated what every other Patriot Hater has been saying except you took what i said and put it in the middle of a sentence. hahah, ****

Mar 08, 2009
still cheated
by: Erik

Wasn't trying to make a comeback. Really don't need to. Even my "imaginary" son knows they cheated. Even my "***" knows. Either you know me personally or you're some silly little teenager who got ahold of his daddy's computer. And speaking of a "patriot hater" the only way they get back to the superbowl is if they get their tickets and go as spectators. Good Bye.

Jan 23, 2012
Superbowl - Giants vs. Patriots REMATCH
by: Alan

Well, they are going back to the Super Bowl... no cheating this time LMFAO! @Patriots haters SMH

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