Cowboys Fan Sees Double Standard

by Jeff
(Rockford, Il)

How can Goodall say the NFL does not inquire into prior misconduct? He went back in time to punish Wade Wilson for the use of performance enhancing drugs.

These banned substances were used to improve the quality of life for an individual suffering from diabetes. He was a coach at the time and not participating in on field activities but the commissioner felt fit to suspend him for five games and fine him 100k.

How much of a hypocrite can he be? What does Belichick have on him to have gotten such a light disciplinary action imposed? If the commissioner was true to his statement of "holding coaches to a higher standard", then why not an appropriately harsh punishment for Belicheat?

Commissioner, please help clarify your reasoning as to the double standard?

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Feb 15, 2008
I Hear You
by: Daleene Farmer

That is very true. I don't understand why they don't realize that certain forms of steriods aren't even used for building muscles. A lot of medications that are used for faster and more effective healing have steroids in them, I've even had to take medication with steroids to help my lungs after bronchitus, so why don't they allow it to a certain extent? These guys put their bodies out there but they're not allowed to take care of them properly? That doesn't make any sense to me.

Feb 17, 2008
The answer is
by: Randall

that COMMISH JELLYFISH is in Kraft's vest pocket.

Mar 01, 2008
Lloyd Braun
by: Anonymous

I did find the Wade Wilson thing odd, when I first heard it.

But his punishment is tied to the players caught in the same investigation. Goodell thought it should be more severe for Wilson than the players, so he tacked on another game and more money. That's where the "holding coaches to a higher standard" comes from.

So he is saying that if a coach and player are involved in a same issue, the punishment would be more for the coach.

Also, if you didn't know, the HGH shipping issue came from a criminal investigation (not the breaking of a memo).

HGH is a remedy for diabetes? That's a new one.

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