Let's be real about this, they all cheat!!!

Seriously man, is it cause New England isn't a southern team, is it cause Tom Brady qb'd at a Big Ten School? You honestly think the other 31 teams in the NFL have never done this?

Let's be real here, the only honesty in sports happens in peewee leagues, and even some of those coaches cheat, beyond that they all do whatever they can get away with to gain the competitive edge.

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Feb 05, 2008
"They all cheat" ? I'd bet my house Dungy doesn't
by: Anonymous

Several have stated that all the teams cheat and video signals. I'd bet my house that Tony Dungy does not. I'm not saying Dungy is perfect, because none of us are. Nor am I saying Dungy is as good a pure coach as Belichick...I really believe Belichick is probably the best or one of a handful of the best coaches of all time. What I am saying is that Tony Dungy has not and would never video signals to gain an advantage, and he's not alone. In fact, when questioned on NFL network, I believe Deion Sanders indicated he thought probably all coaches do this. In response to that, Steve Mariucci said that not only had he never done it, he had never been on or associated with a team that had done it. In this case, the evidence suggests exactly what the rest of the world already knows -- some people cheat to gain an advantage, and some people have the integrity not to do so -- on homework, a school test, their spouses, and yes, even in football. Some people are willing to do whatever it takes to win (even if they know its against the rules), i.e. Belichick. Some are not willing to do so, i.e. Dungy. Call it killer instinct, whatever. It's just a fact, and those who make a decision not to cheat do pay a price in terms of wins and losses. To the point raised by some Pats fans, and reported by Goodell, that no advantage was gained by the taping...I find it hard to believe Belichick would be doing it if there was no value in it. You don't do something that is clearly against the rules, especially after a memo drawing your attention to the rule and its interpretation, if you don't believe you are gaining from it. I'm curious to see the truth come out about the Rams walk-thru taping -- and as football fan, I'm hoping it is not true.

Feb 05, 2008
Re: "They all cheat" ? I'd bet my house Dungy doesn't
by: Eric Hill

Of course Dungy and Mariucci and many other coaches are gonna say they never have done this. Didn't Barry Bonds insist he never used HGH??? I, speaking for myself, have a difficult time believing any athlete, coach, trainer or anyone involved with any pro orginization. They will deny til the end and for some of them they wil deny so long it puts them into jail.

Feb 12, 2008
more excuses?
by: Anonymous

why haven't any of the other 31 teams been caught?

Why hasn't any of their video people come forward?

stop making excuses - the Pats are proven cheaters- deal with it!

Feb 12, 2008
RE: more excuses?
by: Anonymous

Name one pro athlete that has ever come forward and admitted to cheating before they were fingered in a scandal?

Feb 12, 2008
RE: more excuses?
by: Eric Hill

Name me one pro athlete that has ever admitted to cheating in any form before the finger was pointed at him. Not an easy thing to do because they are all saints until fingered in a scandal. The Pats are proven cheaters and this isn't just about them. Are you aware of what happens in pro sports today? Watch one episode of Sportcenter then tell me that pro athletes/orginizations don't cheat. This is a multi-billion dollar business!!! Of course they cheat, it's not about the integrity of the sport, IT'S ABOUT THE DOLLAR!!!

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