NFL is Protecting it's History -- and the Patriots

by Lee

Bill Belichick Wheaties/Cheaties Box

Bill Belichick Wheaties/Cheaties Box

Everyone did it my "Ass", I’m sure in the past when no by-laws were written most teams were utilizing the media technology to benefit their offenses, but how could it be a competitive advantage if everyone was doing it back then?

This “Spygate” scandal is still ignoring some very important obvious facts, purposely of course. After the NFL Investigation, Bob Kraft's own internal investigation along with Sen. Alen Specter's congressional investigation into "Spygate", not 1 single team other than the NE Patriots have ever been mentioned from 2000 – 07’ not even a single complaint was ever received by the NFL regarding any type of illegal filming of opponents signals directly from their sidelines.

If the NFL had any information on anyone regarding this type of cheating, believe it... you would have heard the NFL media, Roger Goodell & Bob Kraft screaming those names from the highest mountains to belittle & diminish the impact a 3 ring Franchise caught cheating could have on the “Greatest” Sport in the world…

So do you think the other teams read the NFL Bylaws regarding cheating and felt it was not worth risking their Legacy or the “Integrity of The NFL” and just decided to do it the old fashion way? Or do you think Bob Kraft simply felt the risk was well worth it, after all knowing defensive signals for the past 7 years helped his QB convert 3rd downs, and just one 3rd down conversion could easily be the difference between a Win and a Loss.

Don’t think for a minute those illegal tapes were never used & didn’t win games over 7 years, and it’s a crime that there hasn’t been a single persons foot put to the fire who is involved in this answering any of those questions.

It’s quite obvious the illegal “Spygate” tapes were used both previous to games from past recordings and during the games, yet not 1 day of suspension to protect Belichick’s legacy. If just 1 play was confirmed the Patriots used a signal during a game from those tapes, every win for 7 years this Patriot team accomplished would be questioned & tarnished forever.

The League is protecting it’s History and Integrity and Bob Kraft & The NE Patriots are the “ONLY” Winners in this scandal ! How sick is that?

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Jan 06, 2011
by: derek

I have never seen a more miserable looking face on any coach in the NFL. We know that he knows what may be coming down the line after his forth ring.

This time the media and referees are anointing and sealing the victory!The first three rings were referee enhanced, with spy gate cameras and a special frequency that allowed the head set in brady's helmet to remain on at all times. Not to mention the continuous jamming of opposing team signal in Foxboro! This was a regular complaint by several teams! The day they lead that lard assed cheating jew bastard owner and his jackwagon coach away in shackles and orange jump suits, is the day the game gets "clean" and becomes real again!

I challange any one to deny that 3 rings by 3 pts or less in 10 yrs is not a coincidence . Beating the "Greatest Show On Turf" was no fluke. It was a rig job from the coin toss! Non calls, bad calls,infractions on every play, and a St.Louis team that was cheated out of their day, because the league felt that a red white and blue winner was best for america after 911! The league hacked the 67' super bowl and Rosenblum did it to his Colts in 59'by betting against his team and winning millions on a spread bet! History repeated itself in the NFL in 2001 again!

The league couldn't possibly give the 18-0 pats a ring in the shadow of spy gate rumors against the Giants. Even if the Giants failed to convert with a great catch to sustain the "drive" the referee's would have assisted them had they failed! Camera hilites showed an obvious holding call that would have eliminated a down and wiped out the big gain that eventually led to the TD pass by Manning for the crown!

May 10, 2012
by: Steelers' wheel

Yes,a sad day indeed for the NFL when we can go on with the "Greatest" sport in the world with the pompous mutations we know as Bill Belichick and Tom Brady in our midst.
All is not lost however and the 'Big Referee in the Sky' has seen to it that Belichick and his Brady Bunch were stopped yet again by Bradys' Confessor....none other than Peytons' own baby brother....the incomperable ELI Manning.
A Big Congrads going out to Big Blue - it seems a lot like deja-vu!

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