Takes one (cheater) to know one

by austin

Ok first of all lets get one thing straight, I am a Patriots and Rams fan.

Ok now then, clearly these allegations are true. Yes I can completely admit that, and the Patriots do need to be punished in some way or another, not by kicking them out of football or the "hall of fame", or making them give back their titles. That is ridiculous. a

Another comment I saw today was, "well if all the other teams cheat as well, why haven't they ever been caught". Uh, that's stupid.

Look what you just wrote, "HAVE NOT BEEN CAUGHT!" Yes I for one know that they all do it but the Patriots got caught in the act. They are not going to ban Bill Belichick from football! People really need to get over that, its not going to happen.

Apparently your brain size cannot comprehend that. And if the Patriots are such cheaters where were the tapes against INDY? one of the best teams in the league. Yah I thought so.

Make up more excuses if you will but the New England Patriots are the best team in the league.

You can't stop greatness.

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Feb 15, 2008
Not So Great
by: Daleene Farmer

The one thing that is so amusing to me in this whole situation is how the only ones who seem to want the subject hushed and pushed under the rug are the Patriots fans. How can any of you feel proud of a team that got caught cheating? If it were my Giants, I'd be ashamed honestly, but then again; we are a team built upon high moral standards and respect for the league and the other 31 teams who play in it.

What's rediculous is allowing coach Belichick to go on for so many years doing what he's been doing. He's not only a cheater, but he is the worst example of a sportsman that I've ever seen. He throws temper tantrums by running off the field before the game is over, he acts holier than thou and his ego needed to be deflated at Super Bowl XLII. The Patriots fans can continue to make excuses while more evidence comes out of the woodwork, but when he gets fired the rest of the league will breath a sigh of relief.

Obviously the Patriots aren't the greatest team in the league and they're obviously NOT unstoppable because they sure did lose the Super Bowl and if you want to say the Giants got a fluke win, then I just laugh in your face.

They won 18 straight games and LOST the one and only game that mattered. That's what the point of the NFL is, to win championships. Your great cheating team will forever be lumped in with the Bears. The ones who let it get away.

Feb 17, 2008
by: Randall


Feb 20, 2008
Think about what you are saying
by: Steelhead

Why do all Pats fans say "all the other teams are doing it" They aren't all doing it. Maybe that is why the Dolphins fired their head coach because he was doing it and only was 1-15 not 18-1. Do you really believe that. Belichick has been accused of this for years but finally got caught. Don't blame Manginni for opening his mouth. He was involved when he was with the pats but now it is happening against his team so he is not going to let it go. Belichick need to check his huge ego at the door and admit it was wrong and he knew it was wrong. He said this week, that it only had a 1% effect on the game planning. Would you go through all the work filming it and disecting the film for only 1%. As a Steeler fan, I feel we lost 2 Super Bowls because of this taping. In 2004, the pats came to Pittsburgh and were beat soundly but when they played in the AFC Championship game, the pats dominated them. Was this because they had the game tape from the first time they played them. I would have to think so. They had the Steelers on film 4 times. As a fan, I was cheated from a Super Bowl, I was cheated at the gate when I paid for a ticket to see a fair game. If we knew there was cheating going on, do you think we would spend out money to watch a game.

Editor adds following similar comment:

From: Bigman

Hang the Pats High

Roger Goodell should kick Bill Belichick out of the nfl. Patriots have been guilty of Spygate for years and all the commissioner wants to do is act like it no big deal * Goodell.

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