Goodall Comes Down Hard on Vick but not Patriots

by bob
(orlando FL)

Mike Vick was given suspensions and things along those lines by Goodall, as was Pacman Jones and Tank Johnson.

The Commish obviously isn't afraid to come down hard on people, so why can't he come down hard on the Patriots?

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Feb 06, 2008
by: Anonymous

Who has hurt the NFL more? Vick, or Belichick? What an easy question, right? Then why hasn't the commish treated this issue harsher? Probably because we only know the tip of this iceburg and the Titanic, er (NFL)is running at 30 knots.

Feb 26, 2008
NO morals?
by: Anonymous

Hey Dude... Do you put actual thought into your posts?

What Vick did was hainus... He killed dogs and gambled on their life or death. Thats disgusting to say the least... But most of all what Vick did was against the law! Illeagle! What Bill B. did was not breaking of any laws of the state or country. In fact taping the signals was not even breaking a rule in the NFL! It was the camera being located on the sidelines that broke the rule... Location, not what he was doing. BB never used those tapes during the game period. They gained no competivie advantage what so ever. it was all about where he was taping from. I know you don't undestand this after reading the dribble on this website. But what BB got for a fine and loss of a draft pick was huge compared to what he actually did. How can you even compare this to Vick? Do you have no morals?

Feb 27, 2008
to anonymous
by: Anonymous

Dear anonymous,

They did certainly break NFL rules specifically explained in more than 1 section of the rules. "Hoody" is a classless leader and he and the Pat's should have been dealt with harsher.


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