All Pats Super Bowls get astericks

by Bill
(Bay Area)

Pats cheated and it should be noted in history.

I always wondered how those no-name bumb Pats receivers would be just wide open as Brady dumped the ball off to them. Anyone ever see any of those receivers excel on their new, of course you haven't. You probably didn't even realize that they are all still in the league.

As for all you dishonest Pats fans crying about how everyone does it, Mike Holmgren is on camera saying, "No, not everyone does it!".

How much more of a legitimate coach do you need to hear it from than Mike Holmgren???

Get over it Pats fans, your dynasty is tarnished. You appeared to have diamonds, but the overwhelming evidence proved that they were counterfeit. Sorry to hear that.

49ers dynasty still unmatched and still on top.

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Jan 29, 2008
Highly Disagree
by: Anonymous

It has been the talk of the 2007 season and eventually led the Pats to giving up their own first round pick this year (first time in history I would think). The Jets did it to back during the 2006 season but no one dared to question their playoff run. The only reason the Pats are getting more attention is because of their winning success. You can't deny the Patriots success on the field, even if they were stealing signals (which I doubt none of the other teams try to do) they still had to excel during the games. Bottom line is that the Patriots are THE team of the decade and their accomplishments this decade are more appreciated than in previous ones. Just read the comments recently of guys like Terry Bradshaw or Jimmy Johnson, as they have given the Patriots much praise. I don't like Bill Belicheck, but I do respect him as a coach. Much the same way I feel about Tom Brady. It is very unfair to compare teams of different eras because todays NFL is so much different from 15 or even 5 to 10 years ago.

New England, if they win this coming Sunday, will be remembered for being one of the greatest teams in NFL history. "Spygate" or not, it is something few people can argue with

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