Real Reason Commish Hasn't Pursued Spygate

You seemed to have left out the real reason why the commish hasn't feverishly pursued this issue. The fact is that most teams are engaging in some type of spying.

They may not all have taken it to the extreme of the patriots, although I am sure there are some teams that have.

The head honchos would prefer to keep it under wraps rather that pin the Patriots to the wall and have them start firing back. Good luck to Goodall and the rest of the NFL getting this to stick.

Go Pats - best team in last 20 years.

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Feb 07, 2008
I'm Sure
by: Daleene Farmer

Actually, you can only speculate as to why they haven't taken it to further measures. Yes all of the players and coaches try to get away with a little here and there, but if every team in the NFL spied on their opponents, I’m quite sure this would have been uncovered a long time ago. I understand that this is your team and you want to stick by them, it is very admirable of you to do so, but honestly, if this were my team, I’d be ashamed. I just don’t understand how an entire team of players and coaches can be so non chalant to what is right there in front of their faces and act as if it’s just another day in the office. It is just a game, they may get paid to play it, but at the end of the day it’s still just a game and they should feel honored to be a part of something that every little boy dreams of being. The NFL was an escape from people’s daily pressures and the harsh reality of the world and to turn around and treat it as if it was any less than what it was made for really sickens me. I know I’m not alone in my thoughts because it sickens many, many others along with me. So you and the rest of the diehard fans can stick by your teams side and act as if it’s no big deal, it’s fine by me, but the truth always prevails and we will all know and maybe when you learn the facts and people finally pull their heads out of the sand, you will all understand why so many others are not just upset by this but insulted.

Feb 12, 2008
What teams?
by: Bill Wade

What teams are spying?

Why were only the Pats caught on multiple occasions and no one else??

stop making excuses -

Best team in 20 years ????

just like this years team of proven cheaters was the best ever??

best cheaters maybe...........but they aren't even really good at that??

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