Belichick did what he had to do to win

by Manny
(Up North)

Al Davis used to say -- "just win baby."

And that's what it's about in big time NFL football.

You are naive if you think this kind of stuff isn't going on everywhere. Every team is trying to do whatever it can to get a competitive edge.

It's part of the game. In fact, some teams send out fake signals because they know they are being watched. Has happened for years. So, if Belichick believed those signals, he would be tricked.

So, it's really been part of the game for some time.

Besides, the rules don't seem quite as clear to me as you say.

I mean, obviously a member of the team can't videotape -- but what about a fan? They could.

And then, they could give the tape to the team, I guess.

At least the NFL rule quoted in this article doesn't say anything about that.

So, I think Belichick allowed certain questionable things to happen in order to get whatever edge he could.

He did get caught and accepted responsibility and paid his fine. That's more than has happened to other cheaters.

It will be interesting to see if this really does stop videotaping of signals...

Anyway, I say let's get on with football!

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Dec 31, 2007
are you kidding?
by: Anonymous

I can't believe there are people that condone cheating, everyone does it...blah blah doesn't matter. They shouldn't, clear and simple.

How about taking the high road and earning a victory because you are a good team instead of trying to gain an unfair competitive edge.

This is the sort of thing that destroyed my opinion of my former most beloved sport, major league baseball.

Sorry Bill and the Pats, as the article says your silence speaks volumes. If I was innocent I would defend myself and clear my good name instead of letting people speculate and assume the worst.

You have lost credibility with me.

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