What other teams????

by Vito Puntillo
(Shrewsbury, MA)

My favorite Pats apologist, justification, rationalization or minimization of all this dirty, rotten, Patriots cheating is............ "everyone does this" ...... "all teams do this" - etc.

If so - why haven't any of the other 31 teams been caught? Why hasn't one of the former video employees of the other 31 teams "come forward"?

Pats fans need to stop pretending the Pats aren't cheaters and become real football fans for a day and ask the same questions we all are............ what do we do now?

Marion Jones paid a stiff penalty for what she did - and what the Pats did is far worse.

To think the Pats and Bellicheat haven't done this since at least 2001 is naive.

The worst person in all this might be Tom ... Deleted by editor for lack of relevance of Brady's personal relationships to this issue Brady. Imagine how much this co-cheater benefited from all this.

God Bless Arlen Specter for not letting Bellicheat, Brady and the Pats off the hook on this. God bless Matt Walsh for coming forward.

Bottom line - Bill Bellicheat, Tom "biggest choker in NFL history last week" Brady and owner Bob Kraft should apologize to the NFL, me and other great NFL fans everywhere for cheating.

They should be stripped of all titles and records and be banned from football.

Here's another interesting story that was thrown under the rug-

Name the only football player linked with Balco?

Answer: Tom Brady.

Facts: Per Brady - The way we understand it - Brady contacted Bond's trainer to ask him about where he could work out while in the area.

Question: This was a couple miles from Brady's home town in California - he wasn't familiar with gyms in that area??? odd?

And if so - why not contact a friend (remember he lives there!!) about a gym or one of his 100 or so fellow NFL players that all work out in that area???

Instead - he spoke with Barry Bonds trainer.

Yeah - that makes sense to me.

We could go on and on about how Bellicheat ... Edited for lack of relevance of Bellichick and Brady's personal relationships to this issue.

But the fact that they cheated the greatest sport of all time is ten times worse.

I don't hate the Patriots - I love football.

It's time the real fans in New England come forward and ask the tough questions..........like - after Spygate I wonder why was Bellicheat's contract extended???

Why would an owner - after being disgraced - extend a proven cheater???..........Kraft must also be in on this??? Bellicheat cost Kraft a draft pick and 250k.....and he extended his contract - right after the incident?.........Does that make sense?

I guess I can pretend that this all didn't happen too like most Pats fans do ......... but I'm a real fan. One of the few from the Boston area that looks at this objectively and without bias.

I'm embarrassed the Pats home is in New England.

Comments for What other teams????

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Feb 11, 2008
Fair enough
by: Anonymous

Well put!

Feb 11, 2008
He's right.
by: Bill Wade

Its sad.

Feb 11, 2008
by: Indianapolis Dolts Fan

This is the worst article I have ever read. What a fool this Vito guys is. Obviously Jealous of the Patriots success and will looks for everything negative about the situation. Why try to discrace Tom Brady, he is the best QB in the NFL. If Vito thinks Belicheck is a cheater doesnt mean all the players are in on. Play are called from the sideline and all the player on the team have to perform stealing signals is for a competitive advantage ONLY.

Why do coaches on the side line cover thier mouths when they call in the play????

Answer. Because the OTHER TEAM is watching and looking for the competitive edge.

This Fool Vito is making a bigger deal of this than it really is. I suppose Belicheck shot Kennedy also.


Feb 11, 2008
He's not kidding
by: Steve D

It's sad that even now Pats fans still say the same things over and over. Just last night I was talking to a Pats fan that said, "Why does everyone hate the Patriots so much?". I responded that the cheating was probably the reason. He looked at me and said, "Well, every other team does it."
Just another day in New England talking to fans who can't admit that they were bamboozled by Belichek and the rest of the Patriots organization.

Feb 11, 2008
you are so right
by: Anonymous


Feb 11, 2008
Hey Dolt fan
by: Mrs. Higgins

To the Dolt fan- I'm a 3rd grade teacher in Charlton, Ma and by your writing skills I would bet you are a 4th grader- Did I have you in class last year??

Charlton Elementary?

Do your parents know you are on this site?

Don't cry because the Pats choked and let you down. Cheaters aren't supposed to win.

Now go do your homework....and why are you up so late.

Feb 11, 2008
Makes sense
by: Pete Morano

Everything you wrote Vito makes sense - Great piece.

I forgot about that Balco thing.

Whoever wrote that this is being blown out of proportion isn't really following the story.

As far as that 4th grade kid (the dolt) - they really shouldn't let the youngsters post.

But he does share the same ignorance or should I say denial that most Pats fans have.

I agree with Bill Wade - it is sad.

Feb 14, 2008
Other teams....
by: Anonymous

So you never did address this.. just more slander. You're from Boston...what.... are you related to Mantraitor coach of the Jets..

Answer this traitor... WHY is it that EVERY SINGLE coach in the NFL.. (not to mention other sports) cover their mouths when calling signals? Are the NY Yankees worried the Patriots will steal their pitch or steal signals?

ALL NFL teams use two or three coaches to call signals and change them EVERY week...

Why? So the Patriots won't steal them in case they meet them 3 years from now...

The biggest travesty is that ALL the other coaches left Belichick out to dry on this.... They should MAN UP... they didn't put the rule in just for the Patriots...

I do agree about him cheating on his Wife though...but it isn't football... and we don't know what caused that in his marriage....

Feb 14, 2008
by: Anonymous

conspiracy theorists unite. this article is ridiculous. are you saying that anyone who has ever worked with bonds trainer is guilty of steroids? are you also saying that because tom and his ex are not together that you have the right to jump to the conclusion he abandoned his kid? how about nothing you said has any fact behind it. it is pure opinion, expecially the stupidity of thinking steroid use and THOSE effects constantly throughout a game or race are far worse than the pats taping signals. i might add that just because you watch it on tv doesnt mean you can go do it. stealing signals has been a part of sports since the beginning. take basketball for an easy example. they just yell out one number or hold up their fingers to indicate a play or defense. thats as easy to figure out as saying it outloud. yet not one single basketball player has ever accused the other team of stealing their signals and cheating to victory.
two legendary coaches knox and lombardi said it best. knox about spygate "its a lot about nothing" and lombardi "i can give the other team my playbook and still win the game." if those guys can be respected for saying that, then you should all realize how insignificant watching tv is on winning a football game. that video doesnt teach any fundamentals nor does it stop a defensive scheme from changing based on the offense you set up with because you "know" whats coming.
if you knew anything about football, you would know that the game is won and lost at the line of scrimmage, not in the headsets and certainly not in the video room.

Feb 21, 2008
by: chronic1

You are a real idiot, If you truly believe that there are no other teams that routinely tape, signals, use signals or find some other way to get an advantage to win you are totally lost. Obviously you are jealous of the success of the Mighty New England Patriots. You must support a team that has not won in quite a while, Kind of like you "A LOSER" While you claim to be a fan of the game you are an enemy of the game. By the way where did the best coach of all time learn from? Could it be Parcells. I guess he must be a cheater too. I guess all of the refs are in with the pats also otherwise they would have lost to the Ravens. And to Claim a Balco and Brady connection, you have seriously lost touch with all reality. Obviously you were a spoiled child and have nothing better to do with your life than muck-rake the best team in the NFL. I guess if Sen Spector (let me guess, are you from his state) pursues his failed agenda instead of solving the serious problems of this country the out come will be the same as the baseball fiasco. Lets have a Mitchell report on football, have interviews with all teams coach's assistant coaches, and team audio video personnel and see where the chips fall. I don't think you want to know the truth. The only truth you want to know is your failed agenda of bashing the Pats. If you really look at it objectively you will see that your pursuit is blind and jaded by your hatred for success of any NFL team except you own failed franchise. Good luck with you life because I can see that you have none along with your lack of common sense.

Feb 25, 2008
very poor article
by: Jason

You're asking pats fans to take a step back and look at this from an average NFL fans point of view which is something that I (as a pats fan) have done many times, If this were the colts or the steelers then I would be outraged also. I believe you have to take a more objective stance because this is obviosly a bias article. I hate to bring up the Duke lacross case but it's an example of how you have to wait for all the evidence. You asked why other teams or video personel havn't come forward, well, they have. Most notably Former coach Jimmy Johnson (Cowboys,Dolphins) stated that this is common practice around the NFL and that he used every advantage he could get even if it was against the rules. When Bill Parcells was asked if he ever cheated he clammed up and tried to avoid the question by saying "you do whatever you have to to gain an advantage". The Brady and Balco thing is no big deal, how many MLB players do you yhink haved talked to McNamee over the years? does that mean anyone that had a conversation with him used steroids? This article is like the Mitchell report, incomplete and inaccurate.

Feb 25, 2008
Vito is a disgrace
by: Lloyd Braun

The moderator has to edit his post twice and still publishes it? Pretty sad. Vito has added nothing other than childish name-calling and a lot of periods............wow that's fun.

Feb 29, 2008
by: Anonymous

i'm embarrassed the pats are part of the NFL still

Mar 07, 2008
by: Anonymous


If Mangini is the one who turned in BB and the Pat's and he know's of previous taping, wouldn't he be guilty of cheating also. As the defensive coordinator of the Patriots and BB right hand man he would have to have been privlaged and involved in the filming. The bottom line is tha Mangini is a rat fink who should also be held accountable for the early days of the Patriots taping of other teams!!

May 09, 2008
What other Teams - All of them
by: EJVersia

Below is the actual transcript of Jimmy Johnson on WFAN Radio in New York that all of the media and the SPYGATE Yahoos wish to ignore! Jimmy can tell it like it is because he's no longer in the league

Q: How about the spying thing Jimmy. You’re a coach does that bother you what Belichick did?

JJ: Oh please. I’ve said it on our show. Eighteen years ago a scout for the Chiefs told me what they did, and he said what you need to do is just take your camera and you go and zoom in on the signal caller and that way you can sync it up. The problem is that if they’re not on the press box side you can’t do it from the press box, you have to do it from the sideline. This was 18 years ago.

Q: You think the NFL came down too hard on them?

JJ: No, no, I said it on the show. He was wrong for doing it for the simple reason that the league knew this was going on not just in New England but around the league. And the league sent out the memorandum to all of the teams saying you cannot do this. And so that’s when Bill Belichick was wrong. After he got the memorandum saying don’t do it any more, he did it.

Q: Did you ever steal signals?

JJ: Oh in a heartbeat, yeah. Yes I did.

Q: Via video, Jimmy? Or no?

JJ: Oh yeah, I did it with video and so did a lot of other teams in the league. Just to make sure that you could study it and take your time, because you’re going to play the other team the second time around. But a lot of coaches did it, this was commonplace.

Q: But did you do it by taping the signal caller?

JJ: Yeah.

Q: Oh you did.

JJ: That’s what I’m saying. I was saying one of Marty Schottenheimer’s scouts, Mark Hatley, who has passed away now, Mark told me that’s how they did it, and Howard Mudd their offensive line coach with Kansas City, who now coaches for Tony Dungy, he was the best in the entire league at stealing signals.

Q: Where’d you put your guy who was videotaping? Where was he?

JJ: My guy was up with my camera crew in the press box. So you’d just put an extra camera up with your camera crew in the press box who zoomed in on the signal callers. That’s the best way to do it, but anyway you can’t always do that because the press box camera crew might be on the same side as the opposing team. If they’re on the same side as the opposing team that’s when you need to do it from the sideline.

May 10, 2008
over rated issue
by: Anonymous

If the Pats needed to cheat so bad, and suck so much, then why did they win 17 straight without cheating last year?

May 14, 2008
Patriots Are Cheaters
by: Anonymous

Its hard not to notice that the video tape scandal started at the same time the Patriots so called dynasty did. Look, the Patriots won three Super Bowls by a field goal - they easily could have lost all three. Some dynasty. Without the cheating they would be the same pathetic team they were up to 2001.

As for last year's Super Bowl, looks like the Patsies ran out of cheating opportunities.

May 23, 2008
Something to ask Coughlin...
by: Rockhawk

The Patriots 17 game streak this year was amazing. I find it most interesting that the NY Giants almost beat the Patriots on the last game of the year and then did win the Super Bowl. Given that on several plays the Patriots seemed to be a lot less aggressive than they were against other teams, I have to wonder if Coughlin knows/suspected that the Patriots were still "stealing" signs, ran a play or defense using their "regular" signals and then changed them. If this is true, this would indicate that the sign stealing was still going on. You have to wonder how the Giants were able to score so many points on the Patriots both the last week of the year and in the Super Bowl, versus the rest of the league.

May 29, 2008
by: Anonymous

This is so overdone it is not even funny. Ya the pats got caught taping yes yes yes. Did they tape signals? YES Was it against the rules? YES Is it cheating? Yes Were they punished? YES Now on to other things associated with this. 1. Pats fans in denial, defending,not understanding. Pats fans are pissed ok? You know why? We have listened to an entire country totally bash the Patriots and scream Ban them, Ban the coach, Asterisk, even Brady and Bellichiks personal lives have been brought in to this. Does everyone really think they have Jesus Christ coaching their football teams? Does anyone have a legit answer why the Pats still went undefeated the rest of the season? was it because they taped last years signals? give me a break. People are pissed because the Pats were at the top of the league while their pathetic teams kept losing and we all know how badly everyone wants to knock the top down to the bottom. So shut up and look at your own teams from now on.

Jan 17, 2010
There were others
by: Anonymous

When Spygate broke, there were ten teams (including the Patriots) who were being watched for stealing signals. This was reported by the NFL network and ESPN. If almost one-third of the NFL was doing it, that is disturbing. I'd like to know who the other nine teams were (or are).

Feb 05, 2010
no big deal
by: jeremy lundeen

You need to go to wikepedia and just type in spy-gate. Every team in the NFL was allowed to do this and many did up until 2006. It's no big deal. Four games in question came against the Steelers who's ownership said it was not a factor in the outcome of games. It seems the only people this is really an issue for are emotional Colt fans who are desperately looking for anything to legitimize the Colts over the Pats. And Dungy also didn't think it was a big deal. Get over it! The Patriots, BB and Brady are this eras dynasty and they earned it.

Feb 05, 2010
Pats are a cheating disgrace
by: Anonymous

actually Dungy said "its sad" - when asked about the Pats cheating -

Question - How many superbowls did the Pats cheat in and with scub wr's deion branch and that other scmuck Givens...........

Answer : 3

How many did they win with 2 probowl wr's Moss and welker - not cheating?

Answer : zero-

The facts don't lie

Feb 05, 2010
No Doubt they are cheaters
by: Anonymous

Better question-

What do the indy colts have that the Pats don't?

Answer: Class ? no - thats too easy

Real Answer : a legit superbowl (AND MAYBE 2 AFTER THIS WEEK?)

The Pats cheated - there's no denying this -and real football fans don't acknowledge "cheated for superbowls" - period-

I think Marshal Faulk said it best with- "A black cloud still sits over the "Pats Legacy"- we want to crucify Barry Bonds and Roger clemens because we THINK they cheated........we know Bellichek and the Pats did cheat"

God bless Marshall and every real football fan who won't tolerate cheating.

May 01, 2012
by: Anonymous

i have never seen a spygate article with less provable statements then this one....morons... straight morons...

May 01, 2012
Provable? Bellicheat admitted to cheating?
by: Real Fan

Really -

You can check any of the issues raised in this article ........all are factual.

Did the Pats cheat? Yes - no doubt they admitted to it.

What else do you question? But really what else do you need to question?

The Pats are proven, admitted cheaters - hows that for provable????

What other teams have been proven as cheats????Give us the proof "Mr nothings provable"?

May 01, 2012
No - Vito's right. No Doubt.
by: Bill Gelardi

This is easy..........give us the proof that "all teams cheat" and I'll look at.

Its been 5 years now.........only the Pats were caught and would later admit to cheating from 2001-2007 .

An eralier poster is wrong - filming from unauthorized areas was never allowed. The Lions, Packers and Jets caught the Pats doing this prior to 2007 and the nfl issued a league wide memo at the beginning of the 2007 season to remind teams (mostly the Pats) that this filming is against the rules.

And as you know - the Pats proceeded to cheat in this manner that very next game vs the Jets.

Sad but true.

They disgraced the game and themselves. Has anyone ever seen a situation like this in sports where the media and even current players speak out about this cheating regularly.

To see James Harrison and others tweet about spygate says a lot - these guys didn't complain when the Pack beat them last year - funny how they have no issue calling out the Pats on their cheating.

Its unprecidented. It says a lot about how some current players and media (past players) regard the caught, proven and admitted to cheating Pats.

Says a lot indeed.

May 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

Without bias? lol. This page is "loaded" with it. Haha.

May 02, 2012
by: Ben Simmons

Whats the Bias?

The guys writing that the Patriots are proven admitted cheaters is just writing the facts?

Am I wrong?

Aug 04, 2012
by: Hmmm

Sorry that Jimmy Johnson and a handful of other coaches videotaped over the years (and admitted to doing so). Funny how people who don't like the Pats tend to ignore those facts.

Aug 04, 2012
Pats are cheaters - NO DOUBT!
by: Chris Mudarri

Jimmy Johnson admitted that he thought that someone on his team filmed other teams - ALL TEAMS DO THIS. He NEVER admitted to filming the opponents sidelines from unauthorized areas like the Pats were caught doing and admitted to doing since 2001- WHICH IS THE OBVIOUS BLATANT CHEATING PART OF THIS THAT IGNORANT PATS FANS WANT TO IGNORE (please get your facts stright -And Johnson WAS THE COACH-HE NEVER FILMED OR ADMITTED TO FIMING ANYTHING- DO YOU EVEN FOLLOW FOOTBALL?). Again - all teams film other reams - it not against the rules...........what the Pats did in filming opponents sidelines in an anauthorized area is (PLEASE get your facts straight and while you are at it - please list for this forum these "other coaches" who admitted to filming the sidelines from unauthorized areas - like the Pats that your referneced in your previous post??? We all want to see this list.............we're waiting?

"Get the facts......or the facts will get you"

Jan 14, 2013
True Non Biased account about 'Spygate'
by: Anonymous

true non biased facts about 'spygate'


Jan 15, 2013
Bleacher report = trash
by: Bill Gelardi - Pats Fan

That article was hardly biased - it was trash- The leagues just doesn't want cheaters - why is that so hard to understand. No one wants the Bonds', Clemens, Lance Armstrong or the NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS - I'm a Pats fan.....and even I can't deny that they are cheaters (talk about banging your head against a wall) - THEY ADMITTED IT FOR GODS SAKE!

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