A lot more...Patriots Cheating

by Richard
(Montreal, Canada)

Other rumors about the Patriots Way...

Miking d-linemen to tape other QB's audibles and o-linemen snap-counts, interfering with headsets, and obviously, taping practices 24 hours before Super Bowl...

Patriots fans are unbeleivable!!! Bill Simmons being their head talker...

What, you think the Pats started cheating after 3 Super Bowls and after signing Moss, Welker, Thomas, Stallworth ???

The 2001, 2003 and 2004 teams are a bunch of frauds. Period.

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Mar 28, 2008
Classless Cheater Fans
by: longball

The cheating is a given.The pats fans need to come to grips with it. You are CHEATERS. In answer to your lame a** "All teams do it",then why don't all teams get caught? Heck not all, name just one other team that has been caught.
I reflect back to a quote from a player who played on the Browns when Bellicheat was an position coach (I can't remember who) who was quoted after the taping cheating incident was exposed. " Since coach Bellicheck came on board we are so well prepared for the opponents it's almost like we have a spy".
You cheats fans need to sit back and ask yourself why you have become so despised the last few years. It's not because you cheat it's because your are so arrogantly classless. I for one used to root for you to win the Super bowls you were party to. No longer. Your fans are over the top. I have read ad nauseam " Fans need to just sit back and relax,we are a team of destiny". Or the thread worn refrain "The other teams fans are just jealous of us". No it's not your coaches cheating or his classless conduct toward other coaches,the media, and the fans. It's you obnoxious,loudmouth, arrogant,in your face can't face reality fans that most knowledgeable fans hate.
The reward for all of us CHEATER haters is in spite of your 10 wins or whatever it was in a row, you lost. Ha Ha Ha you lost. Ha Ha Ha you lost. You finished no better than the other 31 teams who didn't win the super bowl. Ha Ha Ha. You LOST. And to the Giants no less. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha ha ha ha h............

Jan 24, 2009
are you capable of thinking
by: Anonymous

so the pats and the other 31 teams lost. wow I gueas no one won. Good going genius.

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