this spygate thing is nothing

by GD

There's so much hot air on this site, it's laughable. But let me add my hot air to the mix!

Mangini finked on Belecheck. Nobody else in the league came to his aid. You know why? THEY ALL DO IT! all these guys videotape all sorts of stuff. They all push the envelope. When Mangini finked on him, he could just as well have been finking on everybody else in the league.

Second, recording signals barely helps you. Why? Cause there are two sets of signals that come in from the sidelines! You may ask, why are there two sets of signals? To guard against what everybody knows everybody else is already doing...trying to steal them! Read what I wrote above. So it basically has no effect unless you're quick enough on the sideline during the game to try and figure out what the dummy signal is.

Lastly, this tape of the walk thru. Goodell asked to see the tape. Walsh didn't provide it. That's why he closed the investigation. now, maybe it does exist. But something tells me it doesn't. If it did, why wouldn't he give it to Godell? why would he give it to specter?

lastly, how in the heck did he get in to the walk through to video tape it? do the Rams have NO security? Please. this sounds like a half baked golf pro trying to make a buck.

I'm not even a pats fan, but this whole thing is much ado about nothing.

Another Similar Submission

From: Patriot Fan
Charlie Santoro

If Bill Belichick is guilty of spy gate, then how come every coach on the sidelines covers his mouth when talking to his coaches or players??? It seems to me that they all cheat, but aren't man enough to admit it and put this unfortunate scene behind us.

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