NFL Should Not Allow Patriot's Cheating

by Xen0
(San Diego)

Amazing Charger Football Player Somersalt in Air

Amazing Charger Football Player Somersalt in Air

It's just frustrating to know that the patriots could have been cheating for the last few years.

How could the NFL allow stuff like this?

I think if they get caught cheating, the game is null and void. They should get their NFL charter revoked if its proven that they've cheated for more than 2 seasons. That way it sets a big consequence to further teams that would try and cheat. Letting them go light sends a bad message...

Other Reader Comments

Ken Baker (Bronco Ken)
Fort Smith, Arkansas

"cheating cannot be accepted at any level it is one of the only things that could truly damage the N.F.L. If the allegations are true, cheating Bill must be fired and the patriots must forfiet any victories tainted by the cheating...."

David Tomlin
fort collins, CO

"The failure of the NFL and Roger Goodell in handling this situation has been hard to swallow. But seeing a US Senator get involved was like a breath of fresh air. I hope we can get to the bottom of this and hand out real punishments. I think this story is just waiting to blow and flush the careers of New England players and coaches alike."


"How sad that the NFL is obviously covering up such facts from the pats cheating ways. Perhaps there is just too much money to be made for the nfl by promoting a supposed undefeated team. The patriots are cheaters, always have been and will continue to do so."


"Cheater and poor sport.

Nothing else needs be said about Belichick.
Hey, someone buy all those shirts and hats that will be unused and send them to the Belichick house."

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Nov 21, 2010
Not cheaters
by: SanDiego Jose

Apparently not cheaters or something would have been done. Looks like a lot of jealousy. With all those coaches and players lost to other teams they must have something others want. Wish my Chargers were as smart

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