Roger Goodell is a Hypocrite

I agree completely with the above statements. Bill Belichick and the Patriots have been guilty of Spygate for years and all the commissioner wants to do is put Spygate to rest.

Goodell apparently has a nice relationship with Pats owner, Robert Kraft (Enough Said). Roger Goodell also did not want a media frenzy on Spygate knowing the Pats had a great shot at making it to the super bowl.

Well, the Pats have made it... and Spygate... now it has taken attention away from the super bowl. I had respect for Goodell before Spygate... NOT ANYMORE!!!

It sickens me that Roger Goodell seemingly would have made a strong example and put the fear of God into the rest of the NFL if any other team were guilty... but NOT the Patriots.

The commissioner appears to be nothing more than a hypocrite.

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Feb 02, 2008
The Patriots are tainted. This is worse than Clemens
by: Joe Cooter

The NFL has been tainted for years. And lets be honest hear. While everyone has been denouncing Roger Clemens and Major league baseball for alleged cheating, the Pats have gotten off scot free. I find this disturbing. The situations with in the two sports are differant. In the case of Baseball you had a league wide drug problem which does not appear to be part of any conspiracy. Did owners suspect? Yes, but with the absence of any policy in place there really wasn't anything they could have done.

The situation with the Patriots is Differant, and far more serious. In this case you have an entire openly cheating and defying league authority, even after a memo was sent to the entire league. Bellichek and his coaching staff, knew that video taping your opponents was against the rules and chose to do it anyway. What makes it worse worse is that the league seems to encourage it. In his press conferance yesterday, Roger Goodel quoted Bill Parcells in saying that coaches should know they are being taped. I wonder, since Bellichek coached under Parcells, did he cheat while working for him? Very interesting.

Feb 03, 2008
Something Must Be Done America
by: Jon Anderson

I know it’s all been already said, blogged, posted in forums and spoken about at the office; yet I’m going to bring it up again . . .

. . . and with it all being said, blogged, posted and spoken about, WHY IS NOTHING BEING DONE?

Yes, the Cheating Patriots Spygate Scandal..

What image is the NFL giving to its Fans and the children that look up to these Teams and Star Players? “But Dad, I thought you told me cheaters never win!â€

New England Patriots (staff) was accused, held to trial and found guilty of cheating, (Judge) NFL commissioner Roger Goodell handed the Patriots a slap on the wrist and THEN DESTROYED ALL EVIDENCE.

And now The Patriots are breaking records in The NFL and this cheating factor plays no part. HOW can these records stand when you are FOUND GUILTY of CHEATING?

Some have made claims that everyone cheats to get the better advantage over their opposing team. This may be so. But no one has been caught, brought to The NFL Commisioner or Board and found guilty. The New England Patriots were found guilty in 2007 for cheating and are now at the end of the season with multiple NFL records being broke, going to the Super Bowl and nobody has a problem with this? The media is glorifying all their records and claiming them to be the best team ever in the NFL. THEY *** CHEATED!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 21, 2008
people are just jealous
by: Anonymous

i think people are just jealous of the patriots and i wish they would just leave them alone .

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