Your SEC vs Big Ten Bowl Numbers are just plain are the true numbers through 2006

by Marc

This was prior to last year's bowl games:

All time:
Alabama - 1-0 vs. Illinois, 1-2 vs. Michigan, 0-1 vs. Minnesota, 3-0 vs. OSU, 8-5 vs. PSU, 0-1 vs. Wisconsin

Arkansas - 0-1 vs. Iowa, 0-1 vs. Michigan, 0-1 vs. Minnesota, 1-0 vs. Northwestern, 0-1 vs. Wisconsin

Auburn - 1-0 vs. Indiana, 1-1 vs. Michigan, 1-0 vs. MSU, 1-0-1 vs. OSU, 1-1 vs. Penn State, 1-1-1 vs. Wisconsin

Florida - 2-0 vs. Illinois, 0-1 vs. Indiana, 2-1 vs. Iowa, 0-1 vs. Michigan, 0-1 vs. MSU, 2-0 vs. Northwestern, 2-0 vs. PSU

Georgia - 1-1 vs. Michigan, 1-0 vs. MSU, 1-0 vs. OSU, 0-1 vs. PSU, 2-0 vs. Purdue, 2-0 vs. Wisconsin

Kentucky - 1-1 vs. Illinois, 17-18-1 vs. Indiana, 0-1 vs. Michigan, 2-2 vs. MSU, 0-3 vs. OSU, 2-3 vs. PSU, 1-2 vs. Purdue, 1-0 vs. Wisconsin

LSU - 1-0 vs. Illinois, 2-1 vs. Indiana, 0-1 vs. Iowa, 1-0 vs. MSU, 0-1-1 vs. OSU, 0-1 vs. PSU, 2-0 vs. Wisconsin

Mississippi - 0-1 vs. Michigan, 0-1 vs. Minnesota, 0-1 vs. Purdue

Mississippi State - 1-1 vs. Illinois, 0-3 vs. Indiana, 1-2-1 vs. MSU

South Carolina - 0-1 vs. Indiana, 1-1 vs. Michigan, 0-1 vs. Northwestern, 2-0 vs. OSU, 0-2 vs. PSU

Tennessee- 1-0 vs. Indiana, 1-1 vs. Iowa, 1-0 vs. Michigan, 1-0 vs. Minnesota, 1-0 vs. Northwestern, 1-0 vs. OSU, 2-2 vs. PSU, 0-1 vs. Purdue, 1-0 vs. Wisconsin

Vanderbilt- 0-2 vs. Indiana, 0-10-1 vs. Michigan, 2-2 vs. Minnesota, 1-0-1 vs. Northwestern, 1-3 vs. OSU, 1-0 vs. PSU, 2-0 vs. Purdue

Source(s): and links therein

I did take the time to add up the stats from above because I was curious. If my math is wrong on some of them I apologize but it should be close.

Alabama 13-9
Arkansas 1-4
Auburn 6-3-2
Florida 8-4
Georgia 7-2
Kentucky 24-30
LSU 6-4-1
Ole Miss 0-3
Miss. St. 2-6-1
South Car. 3-5
Tennessee 9-4
Vandy 7-17-2
Total 86-91-6 in favor of the Big 10

It looks like the bottom teams really hurt the SEC but I am sure it is the same story in the Big 10. This is so close that it could be in favor of the SEC after this bowl season. It could change every year. That is why the SEC and Big 10 are the best conferences year in and year out. Many of the Top teams in the SEC hold winning records against the top teams of the Big 10 though like Tennessee.

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Jan 10, 2008
by: Anonymous

Sorry, but the above info. does not tell the real story.

It is simply not fair (nor will it ever be) to include the records of Arkansas and South Carolina when they were NOT part of the SEC.

Likewise, you must not include Penn State's records when they were NOT part of the Big Ten.

(Also take note that MOST of Vanderbilt's losses
against the Big Ten were against MICHIGAN.)
What if Alabama had played Northwestern all of those years!!!!

When you look at the bowl records, it is even more amazing. Take away Arkansas and South Carolina losses (when they were not in the SEC) and take away Penn States wins (when they were not part of the Big Ten) and you will be AMAZED
at how dominant the SEC has been over the Big Ten.

By the way, most SEC fans see the Pac 10, Big 12, and ACC as FAR MORE COMPETITIVE than the Big 10.

This whole SEC vs Big 10 is a myth.

Jan 12, 2008
Bowl Stats
by: CFB Trivia

Sorry but the Big 10 is 20-33-0 (0.377) versus the SEC. CFBDW includes games for teams only currently in their respective conference.

the data is here:

Apr 25, 2008
Wrong again Big10 fan
by: BAMF

Since this is apparently a Big10 vs. SEC argument, begin your math in 1932 when the SEC was formed. Get back to us, provided you can walk with your tail between your legs.

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