Yeah, keep up the SEC arrogance

by Richard Keenam
(Tuscaloosa, AL)

No one could be a bigger fan of the SEC, C Tide in particular, where I am a BR writer for Alabama, but I avoid arrogance. I wrote an article last season, that can still be pulled up. It's titled "Is the SEC the most arrogant, obnoxious and ignorant conference"?

I lived in the Midwest many years and earned more hours in the Big Ten than at Alabama. While I always defended the SEC and Bama in particular, I tried to keep the conversations respectful.

While I understand all the frustrations the SEC had of being underrated for so many years, what do you guys want to accomplish by constantly putting other teams and conferences down.

You think that no one in the Big Ten is not aware of the record the SEC and Big Ten have with each other? Can't you just let the records speak for themselves, instead of raving and ranting about how much better the SEC is?

All of my articles can be pulled up by going to Google and pulling up "Richard Keenam", ending with an "m" instead of an "n".

Few people know of the Stories Ride of the Crimson Tide that started in the '20's. With no arrogance, I'm submitting weekly serials about how this happened, that will be completed by the week before the the season begins. To read them chronologically, click on "Read more of Richard's articles" and beginning with "The Storied Ride of the Crimson Tide: Prologue, move to the next one above what you have read.

If I see any arrogant or disrespectful remarks about this, I'll just delete them, with no time spent on a response. I have better things to do than that.

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Dec 17, 2009
by: Anonymous

Remember, if you are putting your thoughts out for the world you have to be man enough for the rebutal. If not, keep your opinions to yourself......... being you are the only one who agrees.

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