Why this country is in trouble

by by Adrian
(Philadelphia, PA)

A war in Iraq with people dying everyday, A subprime loan fiasco, Genocide in Africa, and the list goes on and on. And what do you and our brilliant government leaders choose to waste their time on? Football. God Bless America. We need it.

Editor's Note:

Adrian -- I hear you. You are right on -- except that what can we really do about those things? I know what I would do. And you probably know what you would do.

Unfortunately, our country is deadlocked and paralyzed on the really important issues. Most people don't even think much about them. But, maybe we can come together and agree that cheating is wrong and should not be ignored. If so, maybe we can move forward, together, on other, more important, issues.



In case you are wondering, Adrian submitted the comment above in response to our story at Belichick Spygate Scandal. After reading it, and thinking about it, we decided to build this page to give everyone a place they could share their ideas about how to change the world (at least the sports world) for the better.

We truly hope to see many great ideas given "voice" -- right here.

And, Google, if you are listening -- THANK YOU for giving all of us a voice. Thanks to the internet, and, in particular -- the Google search engine (and other search engines as well) -- you no longer have to be the New York Times (for instance) to be heard and make a difference.

In fact people are eager to hear authentic voices -- like those that can be heard on this site -- and at many other great websites on the world wide web.

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025 SECSportsFan.com

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