Two SEC vs Big Ten Issues

by Ron

I loved this article. I do ask these two questions big ten fans want to know.

1. If you look at the sec vs big ten match-ups in bcs era, why are the majority of the games between way higher ranked sec teams and lower ranked big ten teams?

2. Why do the sec teams only play big ten teams in the south or south west even in bowl games?

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Sep 05, 2011
by: Mike Slay

I always enjoy answering this same question every year.
1. In the first place there are never enough big ten teams ranked high enough top to bottom to match up with the mid to lower tier SEC teams. example, last year bowls - the SEC had their 2 BCS teams plus Bama, LSU and Mississippi State, all were better than everyone else in the BCS bowls in the country. So what happens, they get the next best bowls. Then big ten teans plays 2 od the afore mentioned teams who mopped the feild with your next best teams other than the rose bowl bagers (lost to a mid major TCU) and of coarse the Sugar bowl won by the cheating Ohio State team who should not have had their best players in the game and would clearky have lost as almost did anyway. When you look at these facts, the question is clearly answered.
2. Bowl games are not set by the SEC. People do not look to go to Ohio or anywher else in big ten country in the middle of winter. I beleive that a bowl game should now be played in the Ford Dome on in Lucus (Colts) or Vikings stadium. Of coarde who wants to travel that far and deal with snow and ice when trying to tail gate on a pleasure trip! Sorry the people have spoken

Sep 05, 2011
by: luvbigten

too bad SEC will never play a bowl game up north. would love to see if those southern schools could handle a 10 degree, windy, snowing game or if they would just fold like all NFL south teams do when playing up north

Sep 06, 2011
Searching for Bama in Jax area
by: Anonymous

Hello, I am looking for the local Alabama football fan club. Does anyone know the pres.? or whatever and where fans meet for games.

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