South Shows Intelligence

by Jordan
(Dayton, OH)

Im from Dayton. SEC fans have pissed me off over the past few years, mostly because i read the crap on sportsline message boards and youtube comments.

I KNOW that the SEC has been better the last two years, especially this last year. I rooted for OSU over LSU but knew their chances were slim.

At the beginning of this past season most OSU fans were wanting just to get to the Rose Bowl. But, because every other "supposed to be" good team flopped in front of them: USC, OREGON, CAL, MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, FLORIDA, LSU, WVU, MIZZOU. This pushed OSU's seed higher than it should have been.

We don't make the rankings and people from Big 10 country want to see a playoff tournament just as much as anybody else. What were we supposed to do? Go on national television and say we don't believe we are the best in the nation? We don't want to play the NC because we are ranked higher than we should be? That would be cowardly.

I think Big 10 and SEC fans hate each other more because of the media than because of the whole North vs. South civil war thing. They show dumb Big 10 fans running their mouth and dumb SEC fans acting cocky as hell.

But this site finally gave us some respect. I'm tired of talking crap to the South. I usually save it all for the team up North. But now because of the whole SEC vs. Big 10 thing, it is almost like OSU and Michigan have become friends. DISGUSTS ME!!

I'm going back to hating the Wolverines and not giving a damn about anybody else.

Big 10 is better then Pac 10. That's for sure, but the media acts like Pac 10 is almost on SEC's level...??? They call the Big 10 the Big 2. At least we have 2 legit teams!

The Pac 10 has USC and a few lightning in the bottle teams. But they are random. Sometimes it's Oregon, sometimes its Cal, sometimes UCLA.

For conferences as a whole i say it ranks like this.

1.) SEC (back 2 back NC's. but they are losing a lot of talent very quickly to the NFL. might drop when Tebow and Moreno leave)

2.) Big 12 (only because so many good teams last year: OU, Texas, Kansas, Mizzou)

3.) Big 10 (might be better than Big 12 in coming year, Michigan will probably be very bad, but OSU will be as good as they have been in a long time, WISC, PENN ST, ILLINOIS, MICHIGAN ST and INDIANA are getting better. Who knows what happened to IOWA. They used to be good)

4.) Big East (Noel Devine is the most explosive player I have ever seen. He could literally put the whole conference on his back.)

5.) Pac 10(USC will be good but lost serious talent to the draft and we know Oregon is not much without dixon. Cal will be decent.)

6.) ACC (I don't know. Not bad last year. But Ryan leaves BC and Miami played an 'iffy' game with duke last year. I'm not sure at all about this conference. It could surprise me.)

The main point that I want to get across to everybody, especially SEC fans is that it is always changing. One conference cannot be the best all the time.

If a conference talks about tradition (Yes Big 10 has done it a lot lately) it is because they are not as good currently. We need to put up or shut up.

But for SEC fans to think they are the BE ALL, END ALL conference would be a foolish mistake. IT CHANGES very quickly.

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Apr 24, 2008
SEC isn't losing any talent after Tebow or anyone else.

It has come to my attention that other conferences are not even close to the SEC in talent and in Championships. The Big 10 sure talks alot and has only one team willing to get its butt kick on a routine bases by the SEC, OSwho. In the last 15 years the SEC has WON SIX National Titles. Florida 2, LSU 2, Alabama 1, and Tennessee 1. 1992 until 2007 the SEC has kick butt. This year Florida, Georgia, LSU, and dark horse Alabama have the opportunity to create a Conference Dynasty that will forever shut the talking heads up. Each year some idiot on ESPN proclaims The Big 10, The PAC 10 or the ACC the dominate conference. For everyones information Alabama nailed the best class anyone has seen in years. The SEC with or without Tebow is here to stay.

Jul 06, 2008
Not the Bestest
by: Anonymous

Anyone can play games with numbers...
In the last 13 years the Big XII has 5 titles. 13/5 equals a title every 2.6 years. Your example is every 2.5 years for the SEC, pretty close. The difference happens when you begin to count back into the 80's. That's a long drought from UGA in 80 to Bama in 92. Meanwhile Big 12 teams won in 85 and 90.
Top to bottom you say...
In the final AP poll from LSU's title season in 2007 there were 5 SEC teams and 5 Big 12 teams ranked. 4 of the 5 for the Big 12 were in the top 10...only 2 of the SEC's were. The SEC is a dominant conference just not head and shoulders above everyone else. In my opinion the games are close because only Florida runs a relevant offense. Everyone else stole Bryant's playbook from the early 70's.

Jul 06, 2008
The SEC is Head and Shoulders above all others.
by: Anonymous


Clever name Anonymous. Numbers are indicators and so are National Titles. Yes the SEC is dominate in Football, Track and Field and Gymnastics. The NCAA called for a look at the SEC and how they are nailing the super talented athletes to their schools. That idiot Big 10 Commission Jim Delaney's letter to the SEC was a joke and he paid for it with the laughs he gets behind his back at the socials he now attends.

The SEC has won so many titles in Track and Field that the Super Athletes will not go to another conference. Arkansas and LSU have just beat everyone to death with the number of Titles. Its embarrassing you made such a comment not knowing the facts. Educate yourself. The SEC is HEAD and SHOULDERS above the rest of the conferences.

Former Coach Dennis Franchione of Texas A&M said of Alabama "The expectations are tremendus and not reachable". So why did he take the job?

Not having a good understanding of the SEC will make anyone look foolish. I am sure he wished he had never taken the job. Many coaches have left the SEC because they could not handle the pressure and did not fully understand the competition. There is no equal to the SEC at this time. None.

Aug 22, 2008
Honesty returned

I will admit the SEC hasn't been as good as our ratings also. Most of the time it has been the lack of consistency around the counrty that has lead us to be at the top more than us performing to the level of our ratings.

Aug 22, 2008
give you something
by: Anonymous

I think we should concede something to the SEC since you will more than likely be working for a boss who attended a big ten school.

Sep 22, 2008
Penn State vs. SEC schools
by: Anonymous

Penn State is the one school in the Big Ten that seems to have had a fair share of success against SEC schools. I don't understand it because in most other recent SEC vs. Big Ten matchups its been the opposite. They know how to deal with the extra speed we have down south.

Two years ago they beat Tennessee, in 02 they lost a tough battle to Auburn. And then in 99 I think they beat Kentucky badly.

I hope they win the Big Ten because any other team that comes from the Big Ten and trys to play Florida, Georgia, LSU or Alabama is gonna get blown out by 30 points. Penn State might only lose by 10! haha.

Sep 29, 2008
by: Anonymous

Hasn't the SEC had more NCAA violations than ANY other conf.? Also, don't the have the lowest graduation rate of any of the big 6 conf?

Sep 29, 2008
by: Anonymous

The SEC does have some teams that have violations throughout history. But to answer you correctly. Michigan, OSU, Minnesota have more NCAA investigations in the last 10 years than the entire SEC as a whole. If you want to play that game of pointing fingers. Prove me wrong.

Oct 26, 2008
not intelligence

First off, I love the sec. I agree with the guy above that 1) i do believe too that our recent higher rankings were exactly earned by most teams... i.e. the whole south talking when south carolina and kentucky made top 10 last year, vandy doing so well this year... come on, we all know those were legitimate rankings, and that fan is correct in saying that we have had "inflated" rankings recently due to the downfall of the majority of the country. by "inflated" I mean usually our middle teams get more love than they deserve. 2.) FOR THE IDIOT THAT POINTS OUT SEC OVERALL CHAMPIONSHIPS... please stop. pointing out track and field, and gymnastics??? come on, yes congrats to us for having the most in those categories, but the NCAA recongizes 36 Varsity sports that a NC can be crowned. In that sense, the PAC10 is FAR AND ABOVE any conference, its really not close whatsoever. followed by the ACC. Stanford has a grip on that presidents cup and no sec school will every win it. and also, the most important thing, we dont have the most national titles in football either. yes, weve been great the past 15 years, but lets also remember there was ALOT of pain across the south for the majority of us in many years before that (im 58). i love this conference, but i hate to say we have VERY ignorant fans

oh yea, GO GATORS

Oct 26, 2008
g8rssss Have a big cup of shut up!
by: Anonymous

G8RSSSS, Who you calling an idiot? Let me remind you that those are facts. If you do not like them move on. Say hello to Ole Miss.


Dec 05, 2008
NCAA championships
by: iceicebaby

NCAA Ice Hockey Championships:
Big Ten teams 22(Michigan,MSU, Minnesota, Wisconsin)

Jan 06, 2009
RE: Ice Hockey Championships.
by: Anonymous

Come on, what do you expect? The SEC doesn't have any ice to practice on, and they spend all of their money on football.

Jan 09, 2009
Big Ten
by: Anonymous

Hockey.. Do you think that big ten teams practice on frozen ponds or maybe the great lakes? Really. Wrestling, big ten dominated, whats your excuse. Never heard smack talking about big ten vs sec (north vs south) until I moved to the south. Some things will never change.

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