SEC will always be the greatest conference BAR NONE

by David
(Hartselle AL USA)



Thanks for such an informative website. It is encouraging to see someone who is obviously a fan put so much effort into a clearly unbiased review of all the SEC teams.

I have been a fan of not only the Crimson Tide and everything it stands for but the SEC in general. There is no debating the fact that year after year the SEC puts up the greatest teams in the nation.

While the Big 10 does have a few teams that trickle in and out of the polls from year to year and a few that are constantly in the polls yearly they do not have the same caliber of competition that the SEC has.

When you consider even the lowliest of SEC teams (such as Vandy) that continually upset teams year after year, that says volumes for the SEC. It is a fact that year in and year out the SEC conference will have more teams ranked than the Big Ten and will have to compete harder to stay ranked because of their conference play.

Yes, the Big10 always has ranked teams but not consistently. I would love for a regular match up of Big10 and SEC teams, such as the days of Alabama vs Penn St. The problem is they have too much to lose if they were to begin playing SEC teams......literally.

Keep up the good work, love the site!

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Nov 05, 2007
Nice to Hear From an SEC Fan
by: Anonymous

David -- thanks for the kind words. And, I must say it is nice to hear from an SEC fan for a change. I love hearing from Big Ten fans as well, but sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed.

I think when SEC fans read the site, they tend to say, "right on" and they have no further comment. When Big Ten folks read it, they tend to have a stronger reaction and are motivated to post comments to support their conference.

I guess that's the nature of the beast.

But, anyway, thanks again and encourage your SEC friends to post here too.


Nov 25, 2007
The real record
by: college football lover

First, I have two words for you: Au-burn!
Second, as a Texas fan, we OWN Bama!
Third, the guy who runs this site skews all the data to slant towards the SEC.

He only includes the records when with the current SEC & Big Ten. Do you claim that the Bama v. Auburn record is 38-32-1, or do you only count the record when both schools were in the SEC?

The Big 10 has the edge when you look at school to school wins. Plus, they have the winning edge in B-10 v. SEC play over the last 10 years.

To make it worse, no conference has broken more NCAA rules than the SEC (my Big 12 is close!) Plus, your players take a paycut when they go pro.

Jan 02, 2008
SEC will always be the greatest conference BAR NONE
by: Anonymous

"Thanks for such an informative website. It is encouraging to see someone who is obviously a fan put so much effort into a clearly unbiased review of all the SEC teams."

That statement clearly indicates the complete bias of the site.

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