SEC vs Big Ten Numbers are Fishy Here

I, too, wonder where your numbers come from, as another reader has commented. You write, "Of course the devil is in the details. And, the results are only as good as the data that is fed into the calculator." As far as I can tell, the data are simply the results of the games played between Big Ten schools and SEC schools. That shouldn't be too tricky or devilish.

You also write, "And what if the school once had a very small program that did not resemble its current program? Would you count the wins and losses from back to when it might have only been a club sport? Or, only from when it became a major college football competitor." Are we to interpret this as meaning you want to throw out any games between Big Ten schools and SEC schools before the SEC school rose to prominence? That sounds pretty fishy and self-serving. Maybe if an SEC team lost to a Big Ten team at some point, then that loss should be counted in the total?

In any case, it appears the Big Ten still has the edge, 94-87-7. Check out the very nice stats website,

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Sep 24, 2007
SEC vs Big Ten Numbers
by: Mo Johnson

There is a link on the page to the source of our numbers. We used to use numbers from cfbdatawarehouse -- we switched for reasons I won't get into here -- but am willing to if you would like.

In any event, cfb's numbers actually are pretty similar.

The bottom line is that whatever source you use -- the ONLY way you come up with numbers giving the Big Ten the edge is if you count head to head match-ups between current sec and big ten teams -- BEFORE there even was an SEC.

So you have to go back and include games before 1932. Of course, as discussed in numerous places on this site, Big Ten schools were indeed dominant (along with the Ivy League) when college football first began -- late in the 19th century.

But the game was very different than what it is today. At that time, most of the SEC schools were small, rural colleges that had club teams. Just not at all on the level of where Big Ten schools were at the time.

So, anyway, if you want to count those games, then yea, the Big Ten leads all-time.

I just don't see how anyone can justify counting "Big Ten vs SEC" games that were played before the SEC existed. That makes no sense to me.

But, to each, his own.

Thanks again for reading and your comments.

Nov 30, 2007
If you are going to write drivel like this
by: Anonymous

you need to get your facts straight. Better do a little more research on the all time record.

Dec 02, 2007
Pay Attention to the Data
by: Anonymous

To the person that posted the following link...

...and interpreted the data to read that the Big 10 is up on the SEC conference 94-87-7, you have it backwards. This website is stating that it is the SEC that has 94 wins over the Big 10 (which has the 87 wins) and there are 7 ties.

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