SEC play games up North?

by ur daddy

sec ever play any games up north?

Editor's Note: -- Sure, Tennessee had a series with Notre Dame; Vandy with Michigan and there's been others. But not enough for sure. I'd love to see more as I think the SEC would do fine.

Unfortunately, the SEC and Big Ten (and other Northern schools) don't play much in the regular season. In fact, not at all this year. So, it's too bad.

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Dec 10, 2007
Though weather is not a factor
by: Victory for LSU

If anybody has ever been to the is just as cold,don't think it isn't.I'm from New Orleans and 40 degrees down there is freezing cold..if it hits the 30's you don't even want to leave your house,which it does get that low during the months of Nov-Feb..and I'm now in Columbus and when it is 40 degrees you can walk around in a t-shirt,its like the air is drier here. I was in tennessee during the spring and it was in the 30's consistently..which feels like 10 degrees or less in Ohio. Only difference is the cold up here lasts longer,but to me the weather is more tolerable here than down south. I havent turned my heat on yet and its snowing right now in Let it drop below 50 degrees in Louisiana and I would have the heat on immediately!! To wrap it up,Weather has squat-diddly to do with winning games!!

Jul 26, 2008
You pansy
by: Go Badgers

Do you know what 10F really feels like? ...or what two or three months of 10-20F does to your body? Shut your mouth.

Apr 27, 2009
More SEC Stupidity
by: Anonymous

Actually 40 degrees isn’t freezing 32 is! Is the freezing point different in the south for some reason or is it just the fact that you lack knowledge? I live in Columbus and have been to the south many times. Unless you are in the city were big buildings can block all the wind 40 degrees feels like 40 degrees in both places. If 30 is the coldest it gets there then that is completely different from Big Ten country. This year, in Columbus, it got down to 15 degrees during football season. I went to Minnesota and it was 3 degrees not counting wind chill. Come up here and play us!

Mar 14, 2010
by: Anonymous

I love how 30 degrees in New Orleans is unbearable but 30 degrees in Columbus or any other northern part of the country is considered beach weather. Clearly those SEC fans are receiving a solid education. GO BADGERS!

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