SEC is Dominant

The SEC is clearly the most dominant conference. The Big Ten is so proud of their three wins over the SEC in the bowl when they know good and well that Florida and Tennessee were both exponentially more talented than their Big Ten competition.

They didn't come to play, but had their games had any real implications a blowout by the SEC would have occured in both games, especially during this years Capitol One Bowl where Michigan didn't deserve to be within the same stadium as the Florida Gators.

Furthermore, with the final polls of the season listing LSU and Georgia as the top two teams in the nation with the first Big Ten team coming in at number five, its clear that the sports experts of the country are in agreement that the SEC has the best teams in the United States.

The SEC is the best hands down and there is no arguing with that fact.

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Feb 02, 2008
ya gotta be kidding me
by: BT fan

UF's defense looked like a couple of Keystone cops out there. UF didn't even belong on the field with a below average UM team. UM scored at will. Should've been a blowout. UM mistakes kept UF in that game. What was the turnover count? 4 for UM and zero for UF?

All the SEC has over the Big Ten is their record vs my Buckeyes. That's all you hear from those loudmouths because that's all they have. All time or BCS era (bowls), either way the Big Ten leads . BCS era bowls? If you listen to the talking heads you'd think the SEC owned the BT. Bzzzzzzt. BT has a winning record vs the SEC in BCS era bowl games too. Never would've guessed that after watching ESPN, et,al

Jan 06, 2009
by: Anonymous

In case you wanted real stats instead of whateve you have decided to make up in your fairyland, here you go.

Since the BCS started:
The Big 10 is 8-11 overall(.421 win percent).
The SEC is 11-5 overall(.688 win percent)(pending last game this year UF vs. OU).
Among the Big Six, the Pac-10 is the only conference better than the SEC as they are 9-4(.692). Seven of the 13 appearances by the Pac-10 were by USC.
The SEC is 4-0 in the NC, the Big 10 is 1-2.

Any other foolishness that you would like to bring up?

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