Since scholarships have been limited, all college football has seen more parity. I would like to see the folowing questions answered:

1) Is it true or false that the Big Ten Schools have more restrictive academic standards? Or IVY leagues over the Big 10?

2) True or false that bowl games (Held in the south) favor teams from the south? Is it true that it is a definite edge or a disadvantage to go from a cold weather climate with a schedule that finishes in November to play in a warm climate? What if the warm climate team played in a cold climate arena?

3) Has anyone tracked the bowl game match ups? I may be wrong so I would like to see the facts but it seems to me that like all life, you can follow the money. The big ten conference draws fans. My recollection of bowl games is that in a vast majority of match ups, you have a Big Ten team matched with an opponent that routinely ranks higher in their conference? Any truth to that?

4) Is it an advantage or disadvantage that the Big Ten finishes PRIOR to Thanksgiving and the SEC plays an additional 2 or 3 weeks into December so the resulting lay off from regular season is WEEKS less?

I would not recommend going to Camp Randall in January and no fans would fly to see a game in that climate, but for the Big Ten, you have to play physical football in a cold climate for the end of your season whereas southern schools don't-and the bowl games are again in the warm climate.

I wish we would see more Big Ten vs. SEC (like a #5 Big Ten ranked Purdue against a #5 SEC or Pac Ten) in both the early part of the season, and at the end when the climate is colder.

Because there is no "play off" system in College football, you will never really know and I miss the traditional Pac 10 Big 10 Rose Bowl, and the traditional Cotton Bowl, Sugar, Orange Bowls of the past. You now have so many bowls it is ridiculous.

The BCS is a joke to both the Big 10 and the SEC if you think the "Bulls" are actually the #2 best football team in the country! If the BCS really means something, maybe we should have seen Ohio State vs. Boise St. last year like we were supposed to! What a joke. That would have robbed a much more deserving Florida of the honor.

Your thoughts?

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Oct 14, 2007
Purdue Grad: SEC vs Big Ten Issues
by: Mo Johnson

Purdue Grad:

No doubt the Ivy League has the most restrictive academic standards and their football has suffered terribly for it.

As for Big Ten vs SEC academics -- Well, we have Vandy.

But seriously, I really don't think either conference sacrifices much for academics vs. football. In other words, they both try as hard as possible not to let academics stand in the way of good football talent. There is a limit, but I think both conferences are willing to push it. They have to to compete at the top level.

2. Common sense would say if you have to travel further and play more out of element that would be a disadvantage. And, that could be a factor in the SEC's edge in bowl games. But, warm weather bowl games is a fact of life. No one is going to Madison, Wisconsin in the winter.

3. I think both the Big Ten and SEC tend to play higher ranked opponents from other conferences. The reason is that the Big Ten and SEC have more guaranteed bowl bids and send more teams to bowls than other conferences. But, I think the SEC and Big Ten are pretty equal when they match up. The Outback Bowl, for instance, gets the third pick SEC and third pick Big Ten teams to face off.

4. You've hit the nail with that one. NO DOUBT the fact that the SEC schedules games a week later than the Big Ten and then after that has (as most conferences do) a Championship game is a big advantage for those teams. It keeps them playing a week longer and get they get the experience of playing another top-notch opponent. The winner comes out of that game primed for its bowl game.
Why the Big Ten doesn't have a Championship game is beyond me. That's their call. I guess maybe they are afraid of injuries....?

I agree with you in wishing we had more Big Ten vs SEC match ups. That would be great for college football. Of course, it may take away from the match-ups when they do happen.

Good points about the Bowls and the BCS. You are right!

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