I'll Hand it to the SEC, but Big Ten Fans are Better

by Michael
(Daytona Beach, Florida)

I'm not going to lie about this. The SEC is a tough conference full of great teams and I KNOW they are the best conference out there right now.
But they may not last long if they continue to dominate like this.

The NCAA will likely break them up because college football would get boring if the same schools won the NC game over and over again like they have been doing the past 10 years (and the last 3 years), and if they switch conference they get into a weaker system and are less prepared for the big games, or evenly matched.

On another subject.

The Big Ten is full of Pride and Tradition and fans that would die for their schools.

I'm an Ohio State fan (Duh) and I live in Florida. I keep seeing more and more Gator fans and less and less Florida state, Miami, USF, and UCF (Sorry if I forget some) fans so it gets me to think that they are just fans that root for the school and conference that wins the big games, and don't really have emotional attachments to their schools like I do.

I have a teacher (I'm 17) that graduated at the University of Florida, and he doesn't like bragging about his school, (and he's a huge football fan) because he knows that most of the Florida fans at the school don't really care about the school because they have nothing to care about.

If Florida were to have losing seasons the next year or two or three, etc. I bet I would see less and less Florida fans.

But as Ohio State loses bowl games I keep seeing our fans just keep coming in by the truckload.

The Big Ten and Pac-10 are just more prideful and don't really care about record, like this site and the entire SEC conference apparently do.

I know there are many fans that care for their schools in the SEC... but I just don't think it will ever be like a Big Ten fan.

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