I was not aware of an SEC - Big Ten "rivalry" until recently

by Shanus
(Detroit, Michigan, USA)

As a lifelong Michigan "Wolvereens" (good job with the spelling on that one, by the way) fan, I can honestly say I was not aware there was apparently a rivalry between these conferences until recently.

Much of this probably has to do with the fact that Big Ten schools have traditionally considered the Pac-10 to be its rival conference (if any at all), and at the same time, most Big Ten schools have no conference allegience whatsoever.

No fan of a school affiliated with the Big Ten thinks to himself following any game between schools of the two conferences, "Well, that just proves the Big Ten is better than the SEC."

Frankly, the lot of us are happier to see other members of our conference tank, because we simply do not like each other and see no reason to share some sort of false comraderie based on geographic association. Perhaps that's where we differ.

No person (Big Ten fans included) ever says, "The Big Ten conference is superior to the SEC." We generally mind our own business.

But, at the same time, it gets to be a little annoying when we get to hear "The SEC is the best conference in the country" unprovoked week in and week out, especially when we're not sure we believe that.

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Jan 08, 2008
Why sec fans talk smack
by: miles

Well first off SEC Fans Bring it up (only recently) because the top 2 Big 10 teams OSU, MI. usually go un beaten during the regular seeson. Why? lOOK AT THERE SCHEDULE! and the BCS puts them at in the top 5 or what not.

Meanwhile down south u got the sec teams beating the heck out of each other playing the hardest schedules in ncaa. For instance Georgia Played Tenn. FLA. Auburn, Kentucky all back to back and if u ever watched SEC football them dudes hit HARD so of course were usually hurtin for the next game.

Thats why SEC fans talk smack is because when the sec teams play each other they knock each other out of rankins.

Take the 2007 Championship game for instance FLA only got there cuz USC lost to UCLA and clearly they should have been the one Waiting to see who THEY played for the title but no OSU and there soft schedule and no confrence championship game sat at #1 and just waited...

Well 41-14 FLA with the victory NO SEC team lost that bad to them and they were the best team.

OK 1 THING I WANT ALL BIG 10 FANS TO DO LOOK AT VANDERBILTS SCHEDULE (one of the worse teams in the sec) NOTICE ALL THERE LOSSES ARE IN THE SEC AND WON ALL OUT OF CONFERENCE GAMES ALMOST) if you switched Vandy to the big 10 and OSU to the SEC VANDY would be the NEW #1 team and OSU would be a nobody like vandy is now

Jan 16, 2008
Can't believe I agree with a Wolverine!
by: Buckeye Briggs

I completely agree. As a Buckeye living in GA, I tire of the unprovoked ravings of the SEC.

In the Big Ten we are all rivals of one another. I had GA fans running off at the mouth about the FLA and LSU games. Hello, it just doesn't work that way in the Big Ten. Just because one SEC team wins, doesn't mean the rest of the teams in the conference are winners! I would like to see more games played in the northern part of the country, how many of these bowls were played in either SEC or PAC 10 country? Unfair advantage?

In the end, as time passes different teams and conferences show dominance. Let's all just shut up and play some football!

Sep 05, 2010
Northwestern beats Vandy! HHmmm
by: Anonymous

"OK 1 THING I WANT ALL BIG 10 FANS TO DO LOOK AT VANDERBILTS SCHEDULE (one of the worse teams in the sec) NOTICE ALL THERE LOSSES ARE IN THE SEC AND WON ALL OUT OF CONFERENCE GAMES ALMOST) if you switched Vandy to the big 10 and OSU to the SEC VANDY would be the NEW #1 team and OSU would be a nobody like vandy is now"

HHmmm, Northwestern (the big tens weakest link) just beat Vandy (the SEC's weakest link). And this guy suggests that Vandy is better than the Bucks? Get a life dude. SEC stands for SECond best.

Never knew there was a sec vs big ten rivaley until I talk to SEC fans. I think its time for the big ten to take note of this and stary wooping some southern fried @$$.

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