Funny SEC Football "Top-5"

1. All SEC schools cheat. This is completely inaccurate. Only the following SEC schools have been on probation in the past 20 years: Alabama, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi State, Mississippi, Tennessee, South Carolina, Auburn, Arkansas, and LSU. Vanderbilt has not. So clearly, this whole cheating argument is blown way out of proportion.

Also, the SEC has been penalized by the NCAA for rules violations 43 times since the early 1950s which is more than any other athletic conference. But that's unfair because most athletic conferences did not exist in the 1950s, so of course, the SEC is going to have more.

2. Most SEC players cannot read. Again, this is just not true. Most SEC running backs cannot read but they hardly make up the entire team.

3. SEC coaches are crybabies. Before Urban Meyer arrived, this accusation was laughable. Now it is utterly true. Utah can have him back and Meyer can cry until the Great Salt Lake returns to normal levels.

4. SEC schools exist almost entirely for football, ergo culture, learning, and literacy never make it inside the doublewides. Again, simply not true. The SEC has Vanderbilt. Also, many SEC fans live in singlewides and there is no room for much of anything in a singlewide.

5. SEC fans always argue there is a northern bias. The northern bias is this: Our schools are better than you at academics, intelligence of students, facilities and football. Ouch. Who's talking about academics, intelligence of students, and facilities?

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Mar 10, 2009
So true
by: Anonymous

So true.

Apr 27, 2009
Get your facts right!
by: Anonymous

Ok so all SEC schools except Vanderbilt cheat lol. Your post just said it all, rofl!

NCAA Rules Violations - The SEC is not the oldest conference so they shouldn?t have the most violations. Here is a list of some of the oldest conferences:

Big 10 1896
Big 12 (Formerly Southwest, Big Eight) 1914 and 1907 respectfully
SEC 1933
MAC 1946
ACC 1953
Pac-10 1959

Sep 07, 2010
by: The Game

I don't have the stats in front of me but I think the last time a big ten team won the national championship was Ohio State back in 02 or 03?

Oh yeah. They cheated then too. Hahahahaha!

Maurice Clarett anyone? Hahahaha!

Dec 15, 2011
Trends in NCAA Rules Violations
by: TDavisMann

It's easy to point the finger at SEC schools for past rules violations/accusations...but let's look a little deeper into a NATION-WIDE trend associated w/ recent rules violations and approach such w/ an eye on some logic behind the phenomena:
Powerhouse school (traditionally) and the powerhouses of recent are where the highest concentration of these infractions/allegations have been found.
First, few would argue that the SEC is (far and away) the strongest conference, w an emphasis on the strength from TOP TO BOTTOM...that said, it's no surprise that Vanderbilt would be the team left out of the list of SEC infract-ors... That's still no excuse, because no team should break the rules, and certainly the SEC should get a handle over the teams in the conference.

That said, here's the thesis: Despite the possible reasons, the strongest programs are the teams who've been found/suspected of violating NCAA rules. They are the most scrutinized, raising the chance of being caught. They are the most publicized, thus none of these teams will violate and go under the radar. REGARDLESS...IT'S WRONG. But check out this trend that I caught:
The last five BCS Champs have been from the SEC and (although i'm not sure of the validity of the above statement about all the SEC violators) before that, here are the previous Champs:
Texas '05 * USC '04 * LSU '03 * Ohio State '02 *
Miami '01 * Oklahoma '00 * Florida State '99

You know what else these schools have in common? THEY ALL HAVE BEEN FOUND TO HAVE VIOLATED NCAA RULES DURING THIS PERIOD. ~dUECES (spit)

Dec 02, 2012
SEC Reffs Cheat!
by: Anonymous

The reffs in your League CHEAT and cheat for your Higher Ranked teams, therefore it pushes the upper 2 teams into NC Title contention. This is a Fact.

There were 2 or 3 games in 1999-2012 which involved calls going in favor of your higher seeded teams. And why, so they can get to the BCS National Championship. dont try to refute this, this is fact.

Lsu had a game vs. Ole miss this year in 2012 where a late hit was called against Mattenberger which clearly was never a late hit. Ole miss won all but 2 or 3 games this 2012 season, and how Lsu is ranked above Stanford at #5 I have no idea.LSU was damn Lucky to have won that game.

In this past nights 2012 SEC Championship, a Alabama player clearly hit the Georgia QB late, which resulted in a deflected pass being Intercepted in Bamas favor, when it should have been a Late hit and it was not called.

In 2009, Florida was granted either a 1st down or the ball at the Swamp against Arkansas, when Arkansas should have had the ball.

Also, in 2009, a play which should have resulted in a pic in favor of LSU against Alabama, was Ruled out of bounds when the replay clearly showed the Lsu player had control of the ball and Bama may not have won that game.

QUIT and learn to STOP spreading your propaganda all over. If your that confident you dont Cheat, why make and put soo much time into this stupidity?

The SEC reffs keep your 2nd-4th seeded teams in the TOP 10 and TOP 20, in order to give your Highest seeded teams more weight in the end. Your conference is a Farce, and at some point, this Joy ride of yours will be over, just like it was for USC from the Pac 12 and just like Ohio state and others outside of your beloved SEC. I hate being this cruel, but I'm calling a spade a spade here.

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