Did you ever consider?

by fred bailey
(san antonio)

Grew up in the heart of SEC football country. Have you ever considered that there's a reason why SEC schools hardly ever travel anywhere outside the deep south to play games?

It's a fact, look it up.

Now consider that most of the bowl games are played in the deep south. Greed has always played a part in college football, and figuring into that is the fact that SEC schools brings 30, 40,000 fans to these games. If not more.

I'd love to hear the bellyaching SEC fans would be spewing if the bowl games were played in Mn, Mich, Ohio, or Pa. Hell, you'd never hear the end of it. Oh, damn, we didn't have any fans up there.

The big ten record is admirable considering that it's almost like the history of Auburn vs Alabama. Let's play somewhere where you have all the advantages.

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025 SECSportsFan.com

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