Big Ten will never dominate SEC

by DKscout

The Big Ten vs. SEC argument is laughable. Period. Why even discuss it.

The Big Ten is slower...but intentionally so. Would Les Miles and Urban Meyer recruit a "speed" team if they had to play 2 or 3 games outdoor in the winter time? No! That's 20% of their games.

Would Tressel and Carr (now Rodriguez) use pro-set offenses if they were in the SEC? No! They'd get run off the field.

There is a reason that these two conferences send more players pro than any other conference by far. They are pretty much equal in talent. The Big Ten will never be able to compete with the SEC until bowl games are played in North...outdoors. Then there would be a .500 record.

The NFL takes SEC players and Big 10 players on a scarily equal basis. No other conference comes close to what these two produce. Stop arguing. A Big Ten team will always struggle vs an SEC team in a good weather or indoor bowl game. An SEC team would struggle in Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, etc... if they played outdoors in November or December.

The NFL is the ultimate judge of talent and they want guys that can play pro-set outdoors (see AFC championship this weekend in New England; see NFC championship this weekend in Green Bay).

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Apr 26, 2008
by: Anonymous

The northern teams have traditionally completed play before Thanksgiving. Why? Because of the weather. Y'all don't play in it(CFB). Dare I say that a Jags team loaded with SEC tallent ruined the Steelers playoff hopes and their day... twice, in weather that should have given the Steelers the edge.

But, this is an SEC CFB site. I guess, if you can't beat'em, complain that they don't play in the snow..... funny, y'all don't either.

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