Big Ten vs SEC -- Neither Are Superior To The Other

by Mike

I just find it interesting, that the SEC enjoys a solid few seasons in a row, and all the sudden, they are better than the rest of the world.

If you look at the SEC, they have weak teams, just like the Big Ten. (miss, miss state, vanderbilt, S. carolina, ark, ala, aub, and KY. While these teams have had success in spurts, as of this season...they are weak.

So that leaves a few strong SEC teams. And who did these strong teams lose to??? the weaker SEC teams...not because the SEC is so competitive, but because they didn't play the way they should have.

THen we have three big match-ups between the Big Ten and the SEC this year. Tenn-Wisc, was no blow-out, that game could have gone either way. So how does taht show SEC superiority?

Next we have the defending National Champions and and the team with the Heisman winner. What happens? They got beat up by an 8-4 Michigan. Finally, we have the National Championship.

Did OSU lose? Yes. Did LSU whip their butt? No. When the coaches made aggressive play calls, OSU moved the ball at will. In fact, OSU had more offense than LSU...must be that SEC speed, huh?

(the SEC speed really showed when Beanie Wells smoked their all-American safety for 65 yards, or Brandon Saine smoking thier DB's or when Beanie stiff armed the heck out of the DB in the third)

OSU shot themselves in the foot with penalties and conservative play calling, not SEC superiority. And this was a veteran LSU team taking on an OSU team in a "rebuilding" year.

But OSU did lose, hats off to LSU, they earned it. My point is that the SEC is not superior to the Big Ten. THey are not faster, or better athletes.

And fans of the SEC should not only look at who won. They don't know how to read stats and facts.

OSU is 0-9 against SEC in bowl games...but the Big Ten is not 0-9 against SEC in bowl games. in fact they are about .500!

Where is the SEC superiority in that stat? All the sports commentators who are SEC fans edit their stats to make SEC look better. For example, most commentators show the BCS stats from 2000 to current. Yet the BCS started in 1998. Why do they do this?

Because it cuts of 4 big ten wins against the SEC, and thus allows it to look like the the SEC is way ahead in the stats. But they are not, we are .500! Deal with it.

SEC fans need to look at the overall stats, and not just say, "Hey OSU lost twice in a row...that means the big ten sucks!" And yet, they lose to teams like KY, Aaburn, Scarolina, and Ark.

C'mon. Both conferences have good and bad depending on the year. Neither conference is superior.

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Sep 25, 2008
Measuring Conference power
by: Sid Hill

It is certainly true that teams have up-and-down cycles. And since conferences are made up of teams, the same holds true of conferences. Where the SEC has an edge is the number of team who (decade after decade) have above average success. The last couple of years, the SEC has had three major national powers: Georgia, Florida and LSU. But there are three other long-time power SEC teams who are on a down-cycle: Alabama (who seems to be getting better), Tennessee, and Auburn. The Big 10, it seems to me, has a total of three: Ohio State (who is weaker this year), Michigan (which seems to be just flat bad this year), and Penn State (which, like Alabama, seems to be getting better).

One gauge of a conference within a year would be the number of times it has a top ten match-up (i.e. 2 schools within the conference play when both are ranked in the top ten in the nation. The SEC has had one so far (LSU/Auburn) and another this weekend (Alabama/Georgia). Others are likely. Ho many do you think that the Big 10 will have?

Nov 03, 2008
Top Ten Matchups
by: Anonymous

There is an inherent flaw in this argument and that is the ranking system. Preseason rankings inflate bad teams and make it harder for them to fall in the rankings. LSU, AUBURN, and GEORGIA have proved they aren't top ten teams (LSU and Auburn have proved they they aren't even good) . So at the end of this year odds are that each conference will finish with exactly 2 top ten teams.

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