Big Ten vs SEC All Time Stats

by Buckeye Bill
(Midland, OH)

Your stats on the SEC vs. Big 10 all time are completely wrong. If you go to, you will see that the big 10 is the only conference with a winning record against every other conference, including the SEC.

Their records indicate an all-time record of 95-89-7 against the SEC. I don't know when you started your record keeping stats, but you can check it out for yourself.

I will agree that the SEC is better than the Big 10 overall over the past 7-10 years or so, but it goes in cycles.

Editor's Note: Thanks Buckeye, if you read through the page again, you'll see a thorough discussion of how we got our stats. There are, indeed, different ways to count them. Can you tell us what year you begin counting and is it historical teams or current conference composition?

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SEC vs Big Ten Stats

by Bradley
(Nashville TN)

I dont know if your statement about the SEC having a winning record over the BIG 10 only counts Bowl games. If it does you could be right, but the wording leads me to believe that you are talking all time, bowl & regular seasons. If that is correct, then you are mistaken.the all time record is 94-87-7 in favor of the BIG 10. Check College Football Warehouse.

Another similar comment


From: Miller

In all the research I've done I got the Big Ten up in the overall record at 95-78.

Editor's Note -- I'm counting bowl and regular season -- but only back to 1932 (when the SEC was formed). CFDW counts all-time back into the late 1800's -- before the SEC existed. I don't count those games in SEC vs Big Ten. Not sure how you can since the SEC didn't exist then. This issue has been thoroughly discussed many times over on this site....

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