Big Ten Football is Second Tier?

by tb

You say the Big Ten second tier such as Wisconsin is not as good as the SEC? Then tell me wise one why Wisconsin has beaten the SEC teams the last two times?

Wise One's Reply Hi, TB. I guess I'm the "wise one" you refer to.

Look, I don't denigrate Big Ten football. In fact, I think I say over and over that Big Ten football is great. In fact, it is second only to the SEC. That's pretty darn good.

But, top to bottom -- there's just no comparison. The SEC is much better. Just look at their overall bowl appearances, bowl records, head to head match ups, players in the NFL, it goes on and on. The SEC is #1. This site just documents that.

As for Wisconsin beating SEC teams. You are right. They've won some close games over the SEC. That's great. In fact, The Big Ten won a couple close games last year over the SEC (i.e. Penn State over Tennessee).

But, overall -- Florida one the game that matter most -- against Ohio State -- by a lot. And, overall, the SEC had more teams in bowl games and more wins than any other conference last year.

And they do that nearly every year.

This year, I think the SEC may SMASH every all time bowl record and have 11 teams qualify for Bowl games.

Sorry, TB, the Big Ten is indeed a great football conference. But, compared to the SEC -- it is, indeed, second tier.


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Nov 23, 2007
SEC may have 11 bowl teams this year
by: TZ

The SEC may or may not have 11 teams in bowls this year, but that doesn't indicate as much about conference strength as it does indicate proximity of the SEC schools to the bowl locations. The bowl commitees are looking to make money and the best way they can do that is to invite schools that are likely to draw well, and everything else being equal the closer the campus is the the bowl location the larger the crowd will be. And having 11 teams bowl eligible also indicates less about the conference strength than it does about the strength (or lack of) of the teams non-conference schedule. A lot of SEC and BIG TEN schools are scheduling patsies to increase their chances of going to one of the ever increasing number of bowls

Nov 24, 2007
Check your firgures
by: Anonymous

1. The SEC has more teams and plays more games each year.

2. Until 1976 (I think this is the correct date) the Big 10 was only allowed to play the Rose Bowl, NO other bowl games, not true for the SEC.

3. The Big 10 averages more players in the NFL per school (remember, you have more teams), beside the fact that we are talking about COLLEGE football, not professional, so this should be tossed.

4. Bowl eligibilty depends on your record, and since the SEC has more teams, more should go to bowl games.

Nov 30, 2007
by: Anonymous

I enjoy the way you state the SEC leads everything, but dont offer any sources of research. Then again, if I was providing the wrong information on statistics I've never researched, I might do the same.

editor's note: -- as we state on the top bowl conference page, we got the info from

check it out and post back if you want. cheers

Jan 02, 2008
Big Ten Football is Second Tier?
by: Anonymous

I don't know how you can say that top to bottom the SEC is better than the BIG 10. The only way to make that claim is to have all the teams play each other. No one knows what would happen in that scenario. I'm a BIG 10 fan and don't like the SEC much, especially living in Nashville, but I have a lot of respect for the SEC. I think the two are equal to each other. But I realize no mater what I say you will think what you want along with all the other SEC fans.

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