
by John M

Im a Big Ten fan. I've stumbled on your site a couple of times for different info and it's refreshing to find info without a lot of garbage attached to it.

This seems like the place where others could go to have an intelligent conversation about our two great conferences without the bias ideas. The Big Ten/SEC sites i go to sometimes contain the bias attitudes. I understand the competiveness and the loyalty, but it doesn't have to breed ignorance.

Hopefully in the future when the playoffs come, we will be able to have games in the North in some of our stadiums. This seems like a great way to have some intensity added to this rivalry.

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Dec 28, 2010
by: M Slay

I can't agree more about the two great conference's. However when the Playoffs come(as we are all praying for) It must be done in Dome stadiums. It is not fair to any player who's team makes it that far should not have the best of playing conditions. I know up north the weather is part of the game, but even the NFL is getting more dome stadiums for the reason I stated. In bad weather games there is that WE ARE TOUGHER than the other guy. But it is still normally one guy who is lucky and the weather caused one or the other to screw up. Yes I'm from the SEC, but I want to see everyone at their best in the best conditions. I am a Hog fan first and I fully believe we will beat the Buckeyes, and I am glad that Pryor and the other 3 are going to be there. I want to win, but only if both teams have their best team on the field. Both teams think they have the best players and team. In the Sugar Bowl (SuperDome) there will be no excuse's to find out, including the weather! I look for a great game.

Dec 29, 2010
Response to M Slay
by: Bill

The assertion by M Slay that all playoffs should be in domed stadiums is absurd, but I can see why proponents would want this. I did some research of NFL teams using domed stadiums as their home and found that they have a playoff record of 8-29 playing in outdoor fields. Outdoor teams have also won 41 of the 44 Super bowls. So one would assume the same trend would most likely occur in the college game. And in fact, it does. OSU is the perfect example. They are 7-2 against the SEC in regular season games and 0-9 in bowl games against them. By the way, Arkansas is 1-5 against the Big 10, with the lone win coming against Northwestern.

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