you're full of it.

by EJ

If UNC and Duke are 2 and 4 in All time wins that clearly shows their conference the toughest to win the title.

UNC and Duke have more NCAA titles,wins,and F4s than any other one/two punch ever,plus, both are top rate Universities. The ACC's F4 appearances are something. It would be the same as the SEC's
BCS football appearances.

The Big East can only count wins and win pct after Cincy, Marquette, and Louisville joined their conference a few yrs back. You're full of it.

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Mar 06, 2011
Big East basletba;;
by: Anonymous

Anyone out there not willing to admit the Big East has been the toughest conference in American the last 5-8 years is simply a homer. And those of you who argue that it is championship wins in the NCAA that matters just remember that those Big East teams hurt themselves during the year by beating each other, receiving lower seeds in the tournament which makes it tougher to win. Even Bobby Khight stated it may be toughter to win the Big East champiohship than he NCAA tournment. Please, please someone put Ohio St. or Kansas or anyone in the Big East and lets see what there records would be. I would bet my life they would have at least 4-6 losses. If you are going to be a basketball fan admit the Big East is the best overall conference in America like I would admit the dominance of SEC in football.

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