You're Crazy = Big Ten and Ohio State Can Play With the SEC

by Green Mountain Buckeye

Ohio State was definitely in the game this year and belonged there every bit as much as any other team; we had more yards than LSU, so how did we not "..belong on the field?"

OSU is a young team that got too excited and made some big mistakes. It is true that OSU had an easy non-conference schedule this year but I'd bet that 75% of the SEC teams would have faired worse than Ohio State if they played the exact same schedule.

Last year, they just didn't show up to play; their heads weren't in the game and there was obviously some poor mental preparation. But, to judge a team (and a conference) on two games is ignorant.

The SEC is a great conference. There is no question that there is more parity in the SEC than any other conference. But, you cannot ignore the fact that the SEC #2 team (UT) only beat the Big Ten #4 team (UW) by 4 points.

And of course...UM (yes the team that lost to a 1-AA team) beat UF. Last year, the Big Ten beat the SEC in all but one bowl game.

For that matter, how about if we move the bowls out of your home stadiums, 600 miles north. Do you think you'd still be winning so many bowl games (regardless of who you're playing)?

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Jan 15, 2008
You're Crazy = Big Ten and Ohio State Can Play With the SEC
by: Anonymous

You must have forgotten or didn't know that LSU had to play 8 regular season games + the SECCG against SEC opponents. Only MSU lost by a bigger margin than OSU and LSU lost two of those games. So you need to get a clue before posting such dribble. I'm convinced that 75% of the SEC teams would have beaten OSU as bad or worse than LSU did.

Jan 24, 2008
Right on man
by: Anonymous

I love it. You summed it up right there. I would love to see you pretty southern boys leave your comfortable subtropical climates and come up north to play us. How about field conditions like we saw in Green Bay last week? ohh yes. Think your pass heavy offensive schemes would work in snowy, subzero temperatures like that? I think not.

Nov 09, 2009
by: Anonymous

GEEZ!!!! you are an idiot whoever posted the comment directly above me!!! the sec is NOT a pass-heavy offensive conference!! we RUN the ball, and the reason our teams kick your butt is the defense!!! our DEFENSE kills those so-called "high-powered" offences of the big 10 and 12! some people are so STUPID!!!!!!!!!

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