Without Alabama SEC is Just Another Conference

by Mike Whitney
(Mobile, AL)

It's NOT the SEC, It's Alabama!!

Fans of SEC schools other than Alabama love to talk about how the SEC is historically the best conference, because if they had to talk about their own schools, there'd be slim pickin's to brag about; therefore, they fly the SEC banner because it's easy to look good riding Bama's very long coattails.

Bama is the pride , the cream, and the creme de la creme of SEC football. Sure, Florida's done well recently, but if you look at the long haul of college football history, Florida's a mediocrity. When you look at Bama's national championships (8 legitimate ones, not the fictitious 13) they have roughly as many as the rest of the conference put together.

Furthermore, the rest of the SEC rolls over and plays dead for the Bama game; the Tide just has them all completely psyched out. Alabama holds a substantial head-to-head series lead over every single team in the conference. Without Bama, the conference, at least HISTORICALLY, is no better than any other. If I were an SEC fan (I'm not), I'd want to ride Bama's coattails, too.

The REAL question is not whether the SEC is the best conference, (other conferences don't care, they just care about whether their TEAM is the best TEAM), but whether Alabama is the best TEAM of all time. That's a distinct possibility, but it's worth noting that Bama's head-to-head record against two of their chief rivals for best all-time - Texas and Notre Dame - is a combined 2 wins and 12 losses, (1-5 vs. ND, 1-7 vs. Texas, even after their championship victory over the Horns in 2010).

Still, I'm willing to admit that Bama is as good a contender as anyone for being the best of all time; but SEC fans, let's give the credit where it's due: historically speaking, it's Alabama, not the SEC. Take the Tide out, and you're just another conference.

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Oct 10, 2010
A bit premature
by: Mo Johnson

Mike, I take it you wrote that before South Carolina took down Alabama yesterday. I guess not every team in the SEC "rolls over and plays dead" for Bama. Wow, what a great game.

And, then the LSU-Florida and Kentucky - Auburn both going down to the last seconds. Wow, simply thrilling football. That's exactly why SEC football is the best. And, sure I'm a Tennessee fan and will root for Tennessee against anyone. But, I also love SEC football and almost always root for other SEC teams when they play out of conference. I just don't see the problem with that. I suppose that maybe if I was a fan of a school from a different conference, though, maybe I wouldn't care so much about supporting it. I dunno. I just know I love SEC football. Can't wait for next week.


Oct 11, 2010
Egg On My Face
by: Mike Whitney

Well, Mo, talk about bad timing! I could not have picked a worse time to post my comments regarding Bama's superiority in the conference. South Carolina certainly didn't roll over; they played like champs. Notice also, that I didn't deny that the SEC is CURRENTLY the best conference; there is no doubt about that. I only questioned whether they are historically. But it took a great coach to stop the Tide. It will be interesting to see if Auburn, Tennessee, or LSU can also beat them, and to find out if the SC game was just an aberrant glitch, or if Alabama really is as vulnerable as they looked on Saturday.



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