Wisconsin Will Roll Over TCU

by Nick
(South Dakota)

The so-called expert picks:

Here is another site that posts scores and predictions without doing research. This site picks Northwestern to get defeated by Texas Tech. I agree with this prediction, but it goes on to talk about Northwestern's no quit QB Dan Persa as if he were to play. He went down in the second last game of the season. Persa ruptured his achilles tendon and is out for the season. Without him Northwestern does not stand much of a chance.

The site also goes on to predict TCU to defeat Wisconsin. Wisconsin beat at the time #1 Ohio St. 31-17 and went on to roll the rest of the Big Ten scoring in the 70's three times and in the 80's once. They were scoring even when the did not want to. TCU's biggest win came at the hands of Oregon St. in the first game of the year 30-21. Then they went on to almost lose to San Diego St. 40-35. This matchup is probably the worst in the bowl series and yet they somehow pick TCU to win. Wisconsin might give up some points, but they will score on almost every possession if not every possession. Wisconsin's offensive line averages 6' 5", 320 lbs with one player predicted to be drafted in the top five and another predicted to go in the first round. This goes without saying that they have three running backs that have rushed for a combined total of 2829 yards. Yes, they all three almost rushed for a thousand yards a piece. Wisconsin rolls in this game big time. My guess is that this site is to stuck on the SEC to know what they are talking about.

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Dec 31, 2010
Give em a break!
by: Danny Boy

hmmm, so whattya got against this site? I see nothing about "Northwestern's QB Dan Persa" in the preview above. and then you agree anyway with the pick! come on, give em a break!

Jan 03, 2011
Nice Pick! LOL

Looks like someone else forgot to do research. All we really need for this response is the score TCU 21 - Wisconsin 19. Score on every possession? Looks like the Big 10 was the overrated one here.

Jan 04, 2011
Well, Nick...
by: Anonymous

You obviously don't watch or pay attention to Mountain West Conference football. Those who do pay attention to the MWC had little doubt that TCU would win.

Jan 05, 2011
where's Nick?
by: zoomie-fan

Hey, Nick, show some class and slink back here to explain why your rationale and rationalizing didn't work out - both times. NW lost and Wisconsin lost.

It's tough when you don't watch a conference and then try to predict how it will do when there is very little data between the MWC and the Big10.

Given their performance against good teams like Oregon St, SDSU, Baylor, Utah and Air Force, you were not on very sound footing predicting that Wisconsin would score "almost on every possesion". That's just laughable given TCU's defensive statistics. It only makes sense if you 1) never watch the MWC and 2) you don't respect them no matter what they do.

The big boys won't play them but the MWC does well enough whenever they do - remember how badly Utah beat Alabama a few years ago?

How many wins over AQ's will it take before the MWC at least gets a little respect?

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