Why SEC Teams Not Rated in WWII?

by Rikki

As someone who has only recently come to College Football (ESPN now carries good coverage in Australia) I have located a number of sites with information/statistics (and now yours) and I have encountered a puzzle.

What does it mean when quite a few S.E.C. teams are marked as "Not Rated" around the time of the Second World War"? Your assistance in this matter would be much appreciated.



Answer (Tex got from Bo):

I think this might be what happened:

Vanderbilt and some of the other smaller schools played "informal" schedules (not the usual 5-6 required SEC games and some games against military bases) and were not counted in officlal SEC standings. I think in 1953 or '44 Vandy only played 5-6 games total because of travel restrictions and lack on manpower - Seems like that might have affected 1-2 other schools (maybe Ole Miss).

But, Tennessee, Georgia, LSU, and Mississippi State had large ROTC programs or V-2 training and kept their full conference status - I would have to look at SEC standings in 1942-44, but I think that's the case.

Best wishes, Bo Carter

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