Why Lighting In College Football is More Important Than Ever

LED sports lighting is crucial to the proper operation of athletics. Now reading this, you may think that is not true or “its just lights,” but there is a difference in sports lighting. However, from the enjoyment of the fans to the performance of the athletes, lighting can affect many different things during athletic operations.

LED Sports Lighting: What Impact Does It Have on the Game?

  • Athletes performance
  • Safety of all participants
  • Enjoyment of the fans

How LED Sports Lighting Affects Athletic Performance

Athletes that cannot see the field correctly can contribute to poor play. LED lighting for outdoor fields mimics natural lighting and gives high output to minimize glares for athletes. This provides athletes with an easier time seeing the vents as they happen and can help them play to the best of their ability. When athletes cannot see all the action as soon as they should, it can create safety issues.

LED Sports Lighting: How it Impacts Safety

I remember a particular moment in my life that this article pertains to. I was pitching in high school on a poorly lit field during the second game of a doubleheader. I could barely see what the catcher was signaling for me to throw. So naturally, I say, “I’m gonna wing it,” and I took a guess.

The ball ended up coming back to the pitcher’s mound, struck in a place I would instead not mention, and caused me quite a bit of temporary suffering because it was too dark for me to track the ball.

This is just one example of how poorly light sports lighting can affect athletes. It can even affect the spectators like us at the games as well. If the lighting is not carefully planned, then it can leave dark spots in the stands. If a foul ball were to land in one of these stands, it could make it challenging to track and cause injuries that could lead the organization responsible.

Enjoyment of the Fans

Improper LED sports lighting could naturally affect the people in the stands, but as college football is aired on national television, thank goodness. However, this means it affects how we see the game at home as well.  If it is poor lighting, the television does not magically make that go away. It is reflected so that we can barely see the field as well.

Moral of the Story

The bottom line is that LED sports lighting matters more than one might think when it comes to college football operations. At any sporting event lighting can be a factor in the enjoyment of the spectators, safety, and overall athletic performance.


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Why Lighting In College Football is More Important Than Ever to SEC Sports Fan Blog

By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025 SECSportsFan.com

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