Why do you start in 1936?

This site is full of **** and so biased. You only take records that make you look good.

How is 1936 the bench mark for national champs?
Tom Osborne had a better 25 year record that bear bryant.

You have more bowl wins because you always were invited to more bowls - because you were closer and could bring more fans. What kind of bragging is that?Go play the Big XX on Jan. 1 in Michigan and see who prevails year after year.

Oklahoma and Ohio State have more wins and a higher % rate than any sec team since the war - a much better bench mark than 1936.

Editor's Note: Thanks anonymous. OK, here's the deal. The first year of the continuous AP poll was 1936. That is also the first year that we had a "consensus" national champion. It was Minnesota by the way. In fact, the SEC didn't have a consensus National Champion until the 1951 Tennessee Vols.

So, there is no way you can say we picked 1936 as the starting point to favor the SEC.

By the way, in the two years preceding the AP poll that we use, we had 2 SEC teams named national champs by some of the various polls at the time. Alabama in '34; LSU in '35. Those teams are not counted in our list.

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Nov 25, 2007
by: Anonymous

I can't believe people still argue which conference is the best. Look what Florida did last year for the national championship. That should not leave any question....


Geaux Razorbacks! (sometimes 48 points just isn't enough)

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